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June 14, 2024 in In The News

ITBiz: Trend DevOps se zadrhl a už nezvyšuje produktivitu

Studie 2024 CD Foundation State of CI/CD Report společnosti CDF (Continuous Delivery Foundation) ukazuje, že popularita modelu DevOps poněkud stagnuje. DevOps je stále hlavním trendem v oblasti vývoje a provozu…
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June 5, 2024 in In The News

ComputerWoche: 6 Maßnahmen für bessere CI/CD-Pipelines

Pipelines für Continuous Integration und Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) zu konfigurieren, um Code automatisiert zu verpacken, zu kompilieren und zu veröffentlichen, wird als grundlegende DevSecOps-Methodik angesehen. Indem sie den Weg des Codes…
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May 9, 2024 in In The News

ITPro Today: CD Foundation State of Continuous Delivery Report Shows Growth in DevOps

The Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) released its fourth State of Continuous Delivery Report this week, providing new insights into current trends in the DevOps landscape. The report was released during…
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April 24, 2024 in In The News

Techstrong.TV: The State of CI/CD in 2024 with CDF’s Dadisi Sanyika and CloudBees’ Sacha Labourey

Watch the Techstrong interview Watch it ➤
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April 22, 2024 in In The News

CodeZine: CDFの最新レポート「継続的インテグレーション&継続的デリバリーの近況」が参考訳として同時公開

 Linux Foundation Japanは、Continuous Delivery Foundation(CDF)の最新レポート「State of CI/CD Report 2024 : The Evolution of Software Delivery Performance」と、参考訳「継続的インテグレーション & 継続的デリバリーの近況:ソフトウェアデリバリーパフォーマンスの進化」が同時公開されたことを、4月17日に発表した。  同レポートは、CDFの委託を受けて英SlashDataが執筆しており、継続的インテグレーション(CI)と継続的デリバリー(CD)開発者エコシステムの現状と、過去3年半の間にそれがどのように進化してきたかを探っている。 Read more ➤
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April 22, 2024 in In The News

ITPro Today: DevOps Momentum Stalls as Software Delivery Metrics Flatline

DevOps is still a major trend in software development and operations, but it doesn't have quite the same excitement or momentum that it once had. A new report from the Continuous…
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April 18, 2024 in In The News

Mynavi: 開発者の8割がDevOps関連の活動を実践するも課題 – Linux Foundation Japan

Linux Foundation Japanは4月17日、ソフトウェア開発のための継続的インテグレーションおよび継続的デリバリー(CI/CD)システムの現状と過去3年の進化に関する調査レポート「継続的インテグレーションおよび継続的デリバリー(State of CI/CD Report 2024 : The Evolution of Software Delivery Performance)」を公開した。日本語版も同時公開されWebサイトで無料閲覧できる。 レポートは、ソフトウェア開発におけるCI/CDシステムの現状、過去3年間の進化の内容をまとめたもので、CI/CD関連オープンソース普及を目指すプロジェクトContinuous Delivery Foundation(以下略、CDF)の委託のもと調査会社SlashDataが作成。2020年から2024年第1四半期までの3年半の期間、全世界15万人以上を対象に同社が実施したオンライン開発者アンケート「Developer Nation」の過去8回の調査データにもとづいて作成されている。 Read more ➤
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April 18, 2024 in In The News

atmarkIT: 同じ形式のツールを複数使用するのは逆効果 Linux FoundationがCI/CDに関するレポートを公開

 The Linux Foundation Japanは2024年4月17日、Continuous Delivery Foundation(CDF)の最新レポート「State of CI/CD Report 2024:The Evolution of Software Delivery Performance(継続的インテグレーション&継続的デリバリーの近況:ソフトウェアデリバリーパフォーマンスの進化)」を公開した。これは、継続的インテグレーション(CI)と継続的デリバリー(CD)開発者エコシステムの現状と、過去3年半の進化の過程を分析したもの。 Read more ➤
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April 18, 2024 in In The News

Marktechpost Media: Survey Finds Majority of Developers Embrace DevOps Practices

According to a recent survey conducted by the Continuous Delivery(CD) Foundation, as part of the State of CI/CD Report 2024, 83% of developers are actively involved in DevOps-related activities. The…
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April 17, 2024 in In The News

ITWorld: 개발자 83%는 이미 데브옵스를 쓰고 있다

개발자 10명 중 8명이 데브옵스 관련 활동에 참여하고 있다는 조사 결과가 나왔다. 리눅스 파운데이션 산하 CD 파운데이션(Continuous Delivery Foundation)의 'CI/CD 현황 보고서 2024(the State of CI/CD Report 2024)'에 따르면 2024년 1분기를…
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April 17, 2024 in In The News The State of CI/CD and DevOps: Adoption, Progress, and Challenges

The State of CI/CD report provides insights into the evolving state of software development, including the popularity of DevOps, the most widely used tools, and the patterns associated with high…
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April 16, 2024 in In The News

SD Times: Report: As DevOps adoption nears 100%, these factors determine maturity

Most developers at this point in time have adopted DevOps in some form or another, whether they are a full-blown DevOps engineer or a developer utilizing parts of the DevOps…
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April 16, 2024 in In The News

InfoWorld: Most developers have adopted devops, survey says

As of the first quarter of 2024, 83% of developers were involved in devops-related activities such as performance monitoring, security testing, or CI/CD, according to the State of CI/CD Report 2024, published…
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April 16, 2024 in In The News CDF Survey Surfaces DevOps Progress and Challenges

A global survey of more than 10,000 developers conducted by the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) finds 83% of developers are involved in DevOps-related activities, with a third (33%) actively using continuous integrations tools,…
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August 30, 2023 in In The News CDF Report: Steady Growth in Number of Jenkins Jobs

The Jenkins project that operates under the auspices of The Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) reported this week that over a two-year period, usage of pipelines grew 79%, with total workloads…
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July 17, 2023 in In The News

iTWire: DevOps observability is the key to unlocking developer velocity

Most development teams today have the foundations to move faster, through their use of DevOps principles. About 84% of developers use DevOps principles in some way, according to numbers collected by…
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June 30, 2023 in In The News

Forbes: Best Of Suite Or Best Of Breed? The Battle Of Convenience Vs. Effectiveness

On the surface, the best-of-suite solution seems to make more sense; it means fewer tools to manage and, hopefully, savings due to working with a single vendor. However, this practice…
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May 26, 2023 in In The News CDF Marries Emporous Repository to Ortelius Management Platform

The Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) has added the open source Emporous repository for software artifacts to an Ortelius platform for managing the software artifacts that make up a microservice. Ortelius was originally…
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May 17, 2023 in In The News

The New Stack: Is DevOps Tool Complexity Slowing Down Developer Velocity?

Developers haven’t gotten significantly faster at making code changes and putting them into production over the past two and a half years, reported a new study by the CD Foundation…
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May 11, 2023 in In The News

SiliconANGLE: The continuous delivery ecosystem: Interoperability and security take center stageSiliconANGLE:

For enhanced software delivery performance, continuous integration and continuous delivery have proven to be pivotal.
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May 9, 2023 in In The News

TFIR: Latest State Of CD Report Reveals Continued Increase Of DevOps Practices Adoption

The State of CD Report findings are based on data from the previous six Developer Nation surveys, which reached more than 125,000 respondents worldwide over two and half years. The…
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May 9, 2023 in In The News

ITPro Today: CD Foundation State of Continuous Delivery Report Shows Growth in DevOpsITPro Today:

The new report shows a high degree of DevOps participation by developers, though fully automating the process remains a challenge.
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May 8, 2023 in In The News CDF Report Reveals Lack of DevOps Maturity

A global survey of nearly 26,000 DevOps professionals published today by the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) at the cdCon + GitOpsCon event found 84% of respondents are involved in some type of DevOps activity.…
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May 8, 2023 in In The News

SD Times: Report: Adoption of DevOps practices increasing, while code velocity remains the same

According to the latest State of Continuous Delivery report from the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF), the adoption of DevOps is continuing to increase, with 84% of developers participating in DevOps activities in the first…
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May 8, 2023 in In The News

TFIR: CD Foundation Announces CDEvents Adoption, New Tekton Supply Chain Security Features

The Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF), the open source software foundation that seeks to improve the world’s capacity to deliver software with security and speed, today announced several updates underlying the open source…
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October 28, 2022 in In The News

OpenSourceForU: JFrog Grants Open Source Pyrsia To CD Foundation

A community initiative to provide a just and transparent governance model for the Pyrsia Decentralized Package Network brings together companies like Docker, DeployHub, Oracle, and others. Pyrsia, an open source…
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October 25, 2022 in In The News

SD Times: Continuous Delivery Foundation announces incubation of Pyrsia, graduation of Tekton

The Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) is hosting its CD Summit at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2022 in Detroit, Michigan. At the event, the CDF announced a number of major milestones across…
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October 25, 2022 in In The News

SD Times: KubeCon 2022: GitLab announces new Security and Governance updates, Slim.AI launches Container Intelligence, Sigstore announces free software signing service, and more

JFrog’s Pyrsia initiative incubating under CD Foundation The liquid software company JFrog has announced that Pyrsia, an open-source software community initiative that utilizes blockchain technology in order to secure software…
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October 25, 2022 in In The News

Business Wire: JFrog-Led Open Source “Pyrsia” Initiative to Secure the Software Supply Chain will be Contributed to the CD Foundation

JFrog Ltd. (“JFrog”) (NASDAQ: FROG), the Liquid Software company and creators of the JFrog DevOps Platform, today announced Pyrsia, an open source software community initiative that utilizes blockchain technology to secure software…
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October 25, 2022 in In The News

VentureBeat: Open-source initiative Pyrsia fuels up to boost trust in software supply chain

Open-source is everywhere, a critical element of nearly every technology in use today.  This also makes it one of the greatest threat vectors. Cyberattackers are increasingly looking to exploit weak chinks —…
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October 25, 2022 in In The News

vmblog: JFrog-Led Open Source “Pyrsia” Initiative to Secure the Software Supply Chain will be Contributed to the CD Foundation

JFrog Ltd. announced Pyrsia, an open source software community initiative that utilizes blockchain technology to secure software packages (a.k.a. binaries) from vulnerabilities and malicious code, has become an incubating project under…
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October 25, 2022 in In The News JFrog Gives Pyrsia to CD Foundation to Secure Software Supply Chains

At the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America conference this week, JFrog announced it contributed the Pyrsia project, which uses blockchain technologies to secure software packages, to the Continuous Delivery (CD) Foundation. Stephen Chin,…
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August 10, 2022 in In The News

TechTarget: AWS, Splunk and more launch cybersecurity analytics standard

OpenTelemetry's success also inspired the CDEvents project within the Continuous Delivery Foundation this year.
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July 20, 2022 in In The News

DeployHub secures a $75k XRPL Grant for Ortelius

The Ortelius open-source community will work with DeployHub to develop the open-source governance catalog to create an immutable SBOM audit trail that allows open-source developers to easily register their packages…
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June 14, 2022 in In The News CDEvents Aims To Standardize CI/CD Interoperability

Companies are under mounting pressure to continuously release new applications and features. And as software development life cycles become more iterative, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) has become a…
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June 9, 2022 in In The News

TechTarget: DevSecOps demands focus on developer experience, IT pros say

AUSTIN, Texas -- DevSecOps platforms operated by internal service providers are increasingly common, but just provisioning infrastructure for developers isn't enough, experienced platform engineers have learned. Operating a DevOps platform…
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June 9, 2022 in In The News – Report der CD Foundation: Fast alle Entwickler nutzen DevOps

Als Teil der Linux-Foundation sieht sich die Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) als herstellerneutrale Anlaufstelle für Open-Source-Projekte rund um das Thema Continuous Delivery und für die Spezifikationen entsprechender Pipeline-Prozesse. Dabei sehen…
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June 9, 2022 in In The News

TechTarget: OpenTelemetry inspires CDF’s event-driven architecture plan

AUSTIN, Texas -- The CDEvents project proposes a standard way to communicate between CI/CD tools through an event-driven architecture, which could potentially reduce integration toil and improve compliance automation for…
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June 8, 2022 in In The News

TechTarget: New CD Foundation GM fights CI/CD pipeline fragmentation

Former Ericsson engineer Fatih Degirmenci will coordinate between CDF projects and CNCF working groups to secure software supply chains and ensure interoperability among tools. AUSTIN, Texas -- The Continuous Delivery…
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June 7, 2022 in In The News CDF Report Surfaces DevOps Workflow Gains

At its cdCon 2022 conference today, the Continuous Delivery Foundation shared a State of Continuous Delivery in 2022 report that found nearly half of developers (47%) use either continuous integration or continuous deployment platforms—but…
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May 20, 2022 in In The News

SD Times: CD Foundation announces new specification for defining event data format

The CD Foundation has announced CDEvents, a vendor-neutral specification for defining the format of event data.
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May 20, 2022 in In The News Continuous Delivery Foundation Adds Interoperability Project

At a CDEventscon event this week, the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) announced it is hosting a CDEvents project through which it hopes to create a vendor-neutral specification for defining the format of event data…
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January 12, 2022 in In The News Continuous Delivery Challenge Looms Large in 2022

As 2022 kicks off, it’s becoming apparent that the major DevOps challenge organizations will face is mastering best practices that enable continuous delivery.
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December 16, 2021 in In The News

SD Times: “Report: CI/CD still in early phase for much of software development community”

Over the past year, software development has seen an increase in the adoption of Lean software delivery practices. According to the “2021 State of Continuous Delivery Report” conducted by the…
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December 15, 2021 in In The News

ITPro Today: “2021 State of Continuous Delivery Report Highlights DevOps Challenges”

More often than not, developers today are also engaged in DevOps processes, according to the 2021 State of Continuous Delivery Report. The 33-page report was sponsored by the CD Foundation, which was founded in 2019…
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October 26, 2021 in In The News

FOSSlife: Linux Foundation Offers New DevOps Bootcamp

The Linux Foundation and Continuous Delivery Foundation are offering a new self-paced DevOps Bootcamp.
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October 13, 2021 in In The News

ZDNet: New DevOps Bootcamp: Linux Foundation offers low introductory price

Want a DevOps job? Check out the Linux Foundation and Continuous Delivery Foundation's new DevOps Bootcamp.
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October 13, 2021 in In The News

SD Times: DevOps Bootcamp launches to reduce barrier to entry for technology roles

CDF announced that Shipwright, the framework for building container images on Kubernetes is now an incubating project. 
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October 12, 2021 in In The News

Cision PR Newswire: DevOps Bootcamp to Lower Barrier to Entry for Technology Roles

New online bootcamp from The Linux Foundation and Continuous Delivery Foundation covers key DevOps principles and practices; includes newly announced DevSecOps training.
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October 11, 2021 in In The News

Container Journal: Standardizing Multi-Cloud K8s Deployments with Tekton

CDF announced that Shipwright, the framework for building container images on Kubernetes is now an incubating project. 
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September 30, 2021 in In The News

ITPro Today: Progressive Delivery – The Future of DevOps

Looking beyond CI/CD is the emerging approach of progressive delivery, which can help DevOps teams deploy software faster with less risk.
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August 4, 2021 in In The News

SD Times: CDF welcomes Shipwright as incubating project

CDF announced that Shipwright, the framework for building container images on Kubernetes is now an incubating project. 
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August 3, 2021 in In The News – DevOps Unbound: How DevOps has Changed Testing Forever

Hosts Alan Shimel and Mitch Ashley are joined by Abel Wang from Microsoft, Tracy Miranda from CDF, Caroline Wong from Cobalt, Kurt Chase and Ben Simo from Tricentis to share…
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August 2, 2021 in In The News

SD Times: Continuous delivery steps into the spotlight

Continuous delivery is stepping out from the shadow of its partner, continuous integration.
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August 2, 2021 in In The News

SD Times: The State of CI/CD

The new methods prescribed for developing modern, cloud-native applications are as complex as the systems replacing earlier development tooling and methodologies.
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August 2, 2021 in In The News Report: Lots of Room for Continuous Delivery Improvement

In terms of achieving that goal, most organizations still have a long way to go.
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July 2, 2021 in In The News

The New Stack: cdCon 2021 Chipped Away at Miscomprehensions Around Continuous Delivery

There is progress to be made about communicating what continuous delivery (CD) is and how it is perceived in order to better support the developer’s mission.
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July 2, 2021 in In The News The State of Continuous Delivery in 2021

The Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) recently released its 2021 State of Continuous Delivery Report, a study that helps establish baseline continuous delivery metrics.
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June 24, 2021 in In The News

SD Times – CDF report: Developers slow to adopt continuous delivery

Only 1 in 10 developers deploy software on demand, multiple times per day, according to the Cloud Delivery Foundation’s 2021 State of Continuous Delivery report.
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June 18, 2021 in In The News Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) continually expands

The team has this summer said that software intelligence company Dynatrace along with Oracle and application delivery platform specialist Ozone have joined the CDF as General Members. Read more ➤
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June 1, 2021 in In The News

The New Stack: CI/CD Highlights from KubeCon Europe 2021

Kara de la Marck and Fatih Degirmenci highlight the numerous benefits of interoperability in CI/CD and how it can assist in managing complexity and making changes easier.
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April 30, 2021 in In The News

InfoQ: Why DevOps Culture Matters-Leaders Talk About the Keys to Making Change Successful and Sustainable

In our recent Software Delivery Leadership Forum (SDLF), I had the opportunity to chat with several industry experts about creating a successful DevOps culture. It was a really engaging, insightful discussion because,…
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April 20, 2021 in In The News

SDxCentral: Cutting Edge Cloud Native: an Expert’s Perspective

This week, host Connor Craven is joined by cloud native expert, Tracy Miranda to discuss how cutting edge cloud native is. Miranda is the executive director for the Continuous Delivery…
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April 16, 2021 in In The News

TechRepublic: 3 ways the CI/CD approach to software has made work better for developers

The software industry has gotten much better at breaking big projects down into smaller chunks, according to one CTO, Rob Zuber of Circle CI. He said that his company sometimes…
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April 14, 2021 in In The News

ITSecurityWire: Armory Joins Continuous Delivery Foundation As Premier Member

The Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF), the open-source software foundation that seeks to improve the world’s capacity to deliver software with security and speed, today announced that Armory has joined the CDF as…
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February 2, 2021 in In The News

InformationWeek: Continuous Delivery: Why You Need It and How to Get Started

Continuous delivery gains momentum as IT seeks to deliver new features and fix defects faster and more consistently.
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December 15, 2020 in In The News

TheNewStack: Ortelius Battles Microservices Sprawl with Configuration Mapping, Version Control

Ortelius, the open source microservice management platform originally developed by DeployHub and OpenMake Software, was created with this problem in mind and earlier this month joined the Continuous Delivery Foundation…
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December 8, 2020 in In The News

CTO Universe: CD Foundation Embraces Ortelius to Manage Microservices Deployments

Ortelius joins CD Foundation Founding Projects Jenkins, Jenkins X, Spinnaker, Tekton, and Incubating Project Screwdriver under the Linux Foundation Umbrella Read More
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December 8, 2020 in In The News

DevOps Expo: CD Foundation Welcomes Ortelius, Open Source Microservices Management Platform, As New Incubating Project

Ortelius joins CD Foundation Founding Projects Jenkins, Jenkins X, Spinnaker, Tekton, and Incubating Project Screwdriver under the Linux Foundation Umbrella Read More
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December 8, 2020 in In The News CD Foundation Welcomes Ortelius, Open Source Microservices Management Platform, As New Incubating Project

The Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF), the open-source software foundation that seeks to improve the world’s capacity to deliver software with security and speed, today announced that Ortelius has become an Incubating Project under the…
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December 8, 2020 in In The News

Sierra County Sentinel: Ortelius Accepted into the Continuous Delivery Foundation

DeployHub, creators of the first microservice management platform, today announced that Ortelius, the DeployHub open source core, has been accepted into the CD Foundation as an incubating project. Read More
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December 8, 2020 in In The News

How To Asset Manage: Ortelius Accepted into the Continuous Delivery Foundation

DeployHub, creators of the first microservice management platform, today announced that Ortelius, the DeployHub open source core, has been accepted into the CD Foundation as an incubating project. Read More
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December 8, 2020 in In The News

IT News Online: Ortelius Accepted into the Continuous Delivery Foundation

The Ortelius Open Source project accepted as an incubating project in the CDF.DeployHub, creators of the first microservice management platform, today announced that Ortelius, the DeployHub open source core, has…
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December 8, 2020 in In The News

Cision PR Wire: CD Foundation Welcomes Ortelius, Open Source Microservices Management Platform, As New Incubating Project

The Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF), the open-source software foundation that seeks to improve the world's capacity to deliver software with security and speed, today announced that Ortelius has become an Incubating Project under the…
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December 8, 2020 in In The News CD Foundation Welcomes Ortelius, Open Source Microservices Management Platform, As New Incubating Project

Ortelius joins CD Foundation Founding Projects Jenkins, Jenkins X, Spinnaker, Tekton, and Incubating Project Screwdriver under the Linux Foundation Umbrella. Read More
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December 8, 2020 in In The News CD Foundation Embraces Ortelius to Manage Microservices Deployments

The Continuous Delivery (CD) Foundation has added the open source Ortelius platform for managing the deployment of microservices as an incubation level project. Read More
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November 20, 2020 in In The News

SiliconANGLE: IBM open-sources Kubeflow Pipelines on Tekton for portable machine learning models

IBM Corp. said it’s hoping to provide a standardized solution for developers to create and deploy machine learning models in production and make them portable to any cloud platform.
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October 27, 2020 in In The News

The Verge: Open source as a model for the ‘New Normal’

Known for being a data and tech pioneer in the financial services industry, Capital One has embraced the open source movement with the creation of its Open Source Program Office (OSPO), a…
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October 9, 2020 in In The News

TechBeacon: DevOps 100 – Do ops like a boss. Follow these top pros

Two Continuous Delivery Foundation leaders are on the DevOps 100 list for 2020!
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October 9, 2020 in In The News

SD Times: CD Foundation Opens First Annual CDCon with New Members and Community Growth

CDF Announces new members: Codefresh, Fidelity Investments, Octopus Deploy, and Shipa.
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October 8, 2020 in In The News CD Foundation Opens First Annual CDCon with New Members and Community Growth

Community growth in 2020 has been extremely strong across the board.
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October 7, 2020 in In The News

The New Stack: Post-Pandemic, DevOps Moves to Resilient Collaboration

Is DevOps a lifejacket in times of crisis or does crisis mode accelerate DevOps?
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September 15, 2020 in In The News

PR News Wire: Tracy Miranda Joins CD Foundation as New Executive Director

Open source community veteran to take on new leadership position for CD Foundation, transitioning to working full-time with the Linux Foundation. Read More
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August 11, 2020 in In The News CDF Officially Graduates Jenkins CI/CD Platform

The Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) announced today that the open source Jenkins continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) has officially graduated. Read More
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August 8, 2020 in In The News

SD Times: Jenkins graduates from the CD Foundation

The Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) announced that Jenkins is the first project to graduate by demonstrating growing adoption, an open governance process, feature maturity, and a strong commitment to community, sustainability, and…
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August 7, 2020 in In The News

ITPro Today: Jenkins CI/CD Project Graduates From CD Foundation

The open source Jenkins CI/CD project gains more community participation and a roadmap for future improvements. The open source Jenkins continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) project on Aug. 4 became the first…
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August 5, 2020 in In The News Top Pressing Concerns for CI/CD in 2020

Tracy Miranda, board chair, Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF), and Lachlan Donald, CEO, Buildkite, share what they believe the pressing concerns are for CI/CD in 2020. Read more
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June 18, 2020 in In The News CD Foundation Touts Spinnaker CD Progress

At an online Spinnaker Live event today, the Continuous Delivery (CD) Foundation revealed the open source CD platform is gaining significant momentum since being contributed by Netflix late last year. There were…
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April 9, 2020 in In The News

DevClass: Tekton tops up Pipelines to beta level

Tekton Pipelines has shifted into beta, meaning the open source CD project is now looking for more contributors and testers. Tekton Pipeline is the core component of the Tekton project,…
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April 9, 2020 in In The News CD Foundation Serves Up Tekton Pipelines Beta

The team overseeing the development of the open source Tekton Pipelines under the auspices of the Continuous Delivery (CD) Foundation announced today the project is now in beta. Christie Wilson, Tekton…
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April 9, 2020 in In The News

The Register: Tekton Pipelines hits beta: ‘Ragdoll Norby’ to sort continuous integration for Kubernetes

Tekton Pipelines, the major component in an open-source project for CI/CD (continuous integration and continuous delivery) on Kubernetes, has reached the milestone of beta status. Tekton was originally Knative Build, what…
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February 20, 2020 in In The News

DevClass: Continuous Delivery Foundation adds Screwdriver to incubation toolkit

The Continuous Delivery Foundation has recruited its first incubation project since its birth just a year ago, in the shape of container focused build service Screwdriver. Screwdriver was originally spawned at Yahoo…
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January 16, 2020 in In The News

IDG Connect: Laying down pipelines: how the Continuous Delivery Foundation is working to simplify DevOps and CI/CD

"Looking at the latest 'State of Agile Report', continuous integration was the third highest cited agile practice (with 53% of organisations indicated they had implemented some for CI), while continuous delivery was…
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January 8, 2020 in In The News

SD Times: The Continuous Delivery Foundation advances CI/CD

"More organizations have matured from CI to CI/CD, but their paths differ as do their pipelines and results. Most enterprises are implementing a mix of open source, commercial and even home-grown…
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January 6, 2020 in In The News

DevClass: Continuous Delivery Foundation looks to build in Microsoft, further projects

"The Continuous Delivery Foundation is looking to draw in more members and projects as it heads towards its first birthday, with Microsoft top of the organisation’s hit list. The CDF…
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December 14, 2019 in In The News

ITProDaily: “Continuous Delivery Foundation Sets CI/CD Path for 2020”

Kim Lewandowski, Governing Board chair of the Continuous Development Foundation, outlines how the CI/CD group got started and where it's going. "...The foundation has both a Technical Oversight Committee and…
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November 8, 2019 in In The News

Investor’s Business Daily “Digital Transformation — What It Is And Why It’s Sparking Software Stocks”

DevOps perspective provided by CD Foundation Premier Member CloudBees CEO Sacha Labourey - In section on "DevOps Competition Among Software Stocks": Many companies focus on making new apps available for…
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October 3, 2019 in In The News

DevOps “6 New Members Join The New Continuous Delivery Foundation Showcasing Broad Industry and Organizational Support”

Integration Platform-as-a-Service provider Boomi; DevOps platform Cycloid; the Association of DevOps Professionals, the DevOps Institute; Global commerce leader eBay; leading global financial services firm JPMorgan Chase; and Open Source components…
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August 22, 2019 in In The News

InformationWeek “Netflix, Google Talk Continuous Delivery at DevOps World”

Members of the Continuous Delivery Foundation discuss the formation of the open source organization and the future of continuous integration and delivery. READ MORE
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March 12, 2019 in In The News

The Register “Hey, DevOps fans. We’ve got another TLA for you to write down: CDF”

CloudBees has launched the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF), which will operate under the umbrella of the Linux Foundation. READ MORE
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March 12, 2019 in In The News

Storage Review “New Foundation To Support Continuous Delivery Collaboration”

Today the open source Linux Foundation, announced a new, neutral, foundation for the development and support of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) software. The Continuous Delivery Foundation will serve as the vendor-neutral…
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March 12, 2019 in In The News

The New Stack “CD Foundation Launches with Jenkins, Jenkins X, Spinnaker, Tekton”

The time was right for the CI/CD industry to come together and agree on some standards, noted Chris Aniszczyk, Linux Foundation vice president of developer relations. READ MORE
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March 12, 2019 in In The News

The New Stack “CI/CD Gets Standardization and Governance”

Kubernetes, microservices and the advent of cloud native deployments have created a Renaissance-era in computing. As developers write and deploy code as part of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD)…
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March 12, 2019 in In The News

SD Times “The Continuous Delivery Foundation to serve as new home for open-source CI/CD projects”

The Linux Foundation announced at the Open Source Leadership Summit that it is launching a new foundation for the CI/CD space. The Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) will be a vendor-neutral…
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March 12, 2019 in In The News

Fierce Telecom “Linux Foundation bows Continuous Delivery Foundation for industry collaboration”

The Linux Foundation announced on Tuesday that it has launched the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) to collaborate on the delivery of software tools. READ MORE
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March 12, 2019 in In The News

eWeek “Continuous Delivery Foundation Launches to Advance Development”

The Linux Foundation announces a new open-source effort that will bring together multiple projects in the continuous integration/continuous development (CI/CD) space, including Spinnaker and Jenkins. READ MORE
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March 12, 2019 in In The News

DEVCLASS “Continuous Delivery gets a foundation all of its own”

Continuous Delivery must be real, because it now has a foundation to put standards in place and oversee open source projects, kicking off with Jenkins, Jenkins X, Spinnaker and Tekton.…
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March 12, 2019 in In The News

DEVOPSDigest “The Linux Foundation Announces New Continuous Delivery Foundation”

The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization enabling mass innovation through open source, announced a new foundation for the diverse continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) space. The Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF)…
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March 12, 2019 in In The News

DevOps “The Linux Foundation Launches Continuous Delivery Foundation”

The Linux Foundation announced it will provide the home base for a vendor-neutral Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) committed to making it easier to build and reuse DevOps pipelines across multiple…
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March 12, 2019 in In The News

Cloud Tech “CloudBees, Google and Linux Foundation launch Continuous Delivery Foundation”

Meet the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF), a new offshoot of the Linux Foundation which will aim to develop, nurture and promote open source projects and best practices around continuous delivery.…
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March 12, 2019 in In The News

BetaNews: “Continuous Delivery Foundation aims to boost success of open source projects”

An industry group made up of 22 members is launching a Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) to develop, nurture and promote open source projects, best practices and industry specifications related to…
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