By Tracy Ragan, CEO DeployHub, CD Foundation Board Member, November 21st, 2019
CD Summit and KubeCon are over. As I sit here at our booth on the last day of KubeCon 2019, I reflect on the great work the CD Foundation (CDF) has done to begin building a community of Continuous Delivery experts and users. We have had an amazing week and must give a shout out of thanks to our ‘big brother’ the CNCF for providing a co-located even for our first North American CD Summit.
In case you were not able to attend this truly amazing conference, let me update you on the week of work and fun.
We started Monday morning with the first North American CD Summit. We released a press announcement that covered our current progress around building community and adding new members. From there we began to see our conference room begin to fill-up. At one point during the morning, Tracy Miranda, conference MC, had to ask us to shift seats to make sure everyone had a place to sit down as there were so many people standing in the back of the room. As I was the front row, I had no idea what was occurring behind me. Our first North American CD Summit had sold out.
So facing a sold out day everyone knew they had to bring their ‘A-game’ to the show. We had some truly amazing presentations by end users, member companies, CDF Board members and experts. After a full day of presentations, the room was still full with only a few empty seats. In other words, everyone stayed for the full CD Summit.
We ended the evening with a party hosted by JFRog, WhiteSoure, DeployHub and Puppet. And what a great time we had. Open bar, table topics to stimulate conversation, cheese board and raffle prizes. CD Summit attendees like to party.
And then we got to work. The Budget Committee, Strategy Committee and the Outreach Committee had their first face-to-face working sessions. We got to meet the new Director of Ecosystems, Jacqueline Salinas. A focus around interoperability was reinforced as a primary talking point. We have started to further clarify and implement the CD Foundation’s Governing Board 9 Strategic Goals for 2020.
Overall, it was a powerful CD Summit and a great way to end 2019, even though there is yet one more event to attend, DevOps World in Lisbon Portugal. Have a fun week in Lisbon if you lucky enough to attend that event. And we will see the rest of you at your next local CD Foundation Meetup.