We’re hosting a Continuous Delivery Summit in co-location with KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America on October 25, 2022 in Detroit, Michigan.
This full-day event aims to connect the Continuous Delivery community—from leaders, industry experts, practitioners, and open source developers—to allow them to share and discuss how to improve the world’s capacity to deliver software with security and speed.
The CD Summit will also enable community members of the CD Foundation and its projects to meet with their fellow contributors from cloud native communities and projects to identify additional collaboration opportunities, share ideas and shape the future of Continuous Delivery together.
It’ll be a great chance to catch up, learn from each other and hear about the latest trends in Continuous Delivery.
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities from October 11-15, 2021. Join containerd, CoreDNS, Envoy, etcd, Fluentd, Harbor, Helm, Jaeger, Kubernetes, Open Policy Agent, Prometheus, Rook, TiKV, TUF, Vitess, Argo, Buildpacks, CloudEvents, CNI, Contour, Cortex, CRI-O, Dragonfly, Falco, Flux, gRPC, KubeEdge, Linkerd, NATS, Notary, OpenTracing, Operator Framework, SPIFFE, SPIRE, and Thanos as the community gathers for four days to further the education and advancement of cloud native computing.
Monday, October 11 and Tuesday, October 12 are our Pre-Event Programming days and will be to host co-located events, including SupplyChainSecurityCon – all of which require registration and many an additional fee. Wednesday, October 13 through Friday, October 15 will be the main conference days including keynotes, breakout sessions, and the sponsor showcase.
By Tracy Ragan, CEO DeployHub, CD Foundation Board Member, November 21st, 2019
CD Summit and KubeCon are over. As I sit here at our booth on the last day of KubeCon 2019, I reflect on the great work the CD Foundation (CDF) has done to begin building a community of Continuous Delivery experts and users. We have had an amazing week and must give a shout out of thanks to our ‘big brother’ the CNCF for providing a co-located even for our first North American CD Summit.
In case you were not able to attend this truly amazing conference, let me update you on the week of work and fun.
We started Monday morning with the first North American CD Summit. We released a press announcement that covered our current progress around building community and adding new members. From there we began to see our conference room begin to fill-up. At one point during the morning, Tracy Miranda, conference MC, had to ask us to shift seats to make sure everyone had a place to sit down as there were so many people standing in the back of the room. As I was the front row, I had no idea what was occurring behind me. Our first North American CD Summit had sold out.
So facing a sold out day everyone knew they had to bring their ‘A-game’ to the show. We had some truly amazing presentations by end users, member companies, CDF Board members and experts. After a full day of presentations, the room was still full with only a few empty seats. In other words, everyone stayed for the full CD Summit.
We ended the evening with a party hosted by JFRog, WhiteSoure, DeployHub and Puppet. And what a great time we had. Open bar, table topics to stimulate conversation, cheese board and raffle prizes. CD Summit attendees like to party.
And then we got to work. The Budget Committee, Strategy Committee and the Outreach Committee had their first face-to-face working sessions. We got to meet the new Director of Ecosystems, Jacqueline Salinas. A focus around interoperability was reinforced as a primary talking point. We have started to further clarify and implement the CD Foundation’s Governing Board 9 Strategic Goals for 2020.
Overall, it was a powerful CD Summit and a great way to end 2019, even though there is yet one more event to attend, DevOps World in Lisbon Portugal. Have a fun week in Lisbon if you lucky enough to attend that event. And we will see the rest of you at your next local CD Foundation Meetup.
CD Foundation membership grows to 33 companies worldwide including Premier Members CapitalOne, CircleCI, Cloudbees, Google, Huawei, IBM, jFrog, Netflix and Salesforce
SAN FRANCISCO, November 18, 2019 – The Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF), the vendor-neutral home for many of the fastest-growing projects for continuous delivery, today announced a host of information highlighting impressive growth in membership, planning, governance, security, and community-building. The CDF was established in March 2019. The current projects hosted are Jenkins, Jenkins X, Spinnaker, and Tekton.
“The CD Summit is a great chance to pull together in one place such a diverse range of members and community contributors. It’s fantastic to see the progress we’ve made in such a short span of time. Even as we were forming the foundation earlier this year, we are thrilled to see such a quick upsurge in activities that spans technical, organizational, and corporate engagement,” said Dan Lopez, CDF program manager. “DevOps technology development is better done in a vendor-neutral environment. I believe this is the key to the strong momentum of the CD Foundation. We look forward to further extending support to open source CD and DevOps projects and communities.”
New Members
Membership to the CD Foundation is growing quickly, spanning a broad range of industries, international markets, and sizes of organizations. Recent new members include Integration Platform-as-a-Service provider Boomi, DevOps platform Cycloid, the Association of DevOps Professionals, the DevOps Institute, Global commerce leader eBay, leading global financial services firm JPMorgan Chase, and Open Source components management company Whitesource.
The new General Members bring the membership total to 33 and join Premier Members CapitalOne, CircleCI, Cloudbees, Google, Huawei, IBM, jFrog, Netflix and Salesforce in working together to make continuous delivery tools and processes as accessible and reliable as possible and grow the overall ecosystem.
9 Strategic Goals
As a vendor-neutral organization focused on improving software delivery, the CD Foundation governing board has stated specific goals for 2020 and beyond. The governing board has gone through a “very collaborative process,” included speaking to an array of experts in the CI/CD space including Jez Humble, co-author of the Continuous Delivery Book, and Jayne Groll, Head of the DevOps Institute. More information here: https://cd.foundation/blog/2019/10/17/cdfs-governing-board-unveils-9-strategic-goals/
CD Foundation Landscape
Use and adoption of CI/CD and DevOps technologies is widespread and growing with the availability of powerful open source libraries, frameworks and platforms, not to mention a wide array of proprietary solutions. While there are many applications and tools available, the integration between them can be complicated, can pose additional challenges especially in relation to long term sustainability, and may present a barrier to adoption as part of a commercial product/service.
The CD Foundation Landscape is a top-down approach to looking at tools and applications in the ecosystem. It is an interactive tool that shows both the wide range of projects in each technology category as well as how fragmented the space can be. This allows for an analysis of where there are many solutions and where there are less. It also may suggest the need for connections or integrations. The code is public, so the community is encouraged to make contributions. More information here: https://landscape.cd.foundation
New Security SIG Working Group
The CD Foundation’s first Special Interest Group (SIG) was announced in October. The charter for the Security SIG provides for a neutral home for discussion around designs, specifications, code and processes to enable security across the software supply chain. Topics include Secure Software Supply Chain, Observability, Policy, Inventory, Runtime Security, Vulnerability Communication, and Vulnerability Recovery. Membership is free and open to the public; meetings are held every two weeks; and the Security SIG runs a public mailing list which can be joined here: https://lists.cd.foundation/g/sig-security
Meetup Organizational and Structure Updates
The CD Foundation enthusiastically supports face-to-face meetings in the form of conferences and meetups. Jenkins Area Meetups (JAMs), which currently comprise 106 groups in 39 countries with a total of over 34,000 members, are being contributed to the CD Foundation from CloudBees, a Premier Member of the foundation. JAM meetups will be part of new wider ecosystem, including general CI/CD meetups as well as opportunities to run Tekton, Spinnaker and Jenkins X meetups. This will provide more opportunities for local organizers to join and participate. For more information, please see: https://cd.foundation/blog/2019/11/15/broader-scope-for-meetups-more-opportunities-for-you-to-get-involved/
CDF members have hosted multiple Continuous Delivery events this year, including events co-located with KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China and the Continuous Delivery Summit (November 18-21, San Diego), co-located during KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2019.
Additional CDF Resources
About the Continuous Delivery Foundation
Continuous delivery (CD) is a software engineering approach in which teams produce software in short cycles, ensuring that the software can be reliably released at any time. The Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) serves as the vendor-neutral home of many of the fastest-growing projects for continuous delivery, including Jenkins, Jenkins X, Tekton, and Spinnaker, as well as fosters collaboration between the industry’s top developers, end users and vendors to further continuous delivery best practices. The CDF is part of the Linux Foundation, a nonprofit organization. For more information about the CDF, please visit https://cd.foundation.
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