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CDF Interactive Landscape 2.0—The Next Iteration

By November 1, 2021July 24th, 2023Blog, Staff

Contributed by Kara de la Marck, CD Foundation

The Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) is further developing its landscape and we welcome your participation!

What is the CDF Landscape?

The CDF Landscape is intended as a map to explore open source and proprietary tools that support a continuous delivery workflow, from individual process steps to full pipeline orchestration. Additionally, the landscape showcases members of the CD Foundation. It is modeled after the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Landscape and is based on the same open source code.

CDF Landscape

What’s changing?

It has been 2 years since the CDF landscape was released and, while an excellent base, it was due for some refreshment. After an initial brush-up and the addition of more projects, we would like to invite the wider CI/CD community to add projects to the current landscape, make corrections to existing project data, and engage with us in a reconsideration of the categories on the landscape.

How can I add a project?

We welcome additions for CI/CD projects that fit in an existing landscape category and that have over 300 GitHub stars. Please choose the one landscape category where the project’s core competency best fits.

To add a new project:

  1. Fork and clone the repo;
  2. Add the project’s data to landscape.yml;
  3. Add the required SVG of the project’s logo to the hosted_logos directory
  4. And create a Pull Request. 🎉

Netlify will generate a staging server for you to preview your changes, about 5 minutes after creating a Pull Request (PR). A link will be added to your PR for you to preview your updates. Please check that the logo and project information appear correctly.

For more details on what data to add to the landscape.yml and how to choose the correct logo SVG to add, see New Entries information on the landscape README.

How can I correct or improve data about a project?

Edits and improvements to existing project cards are welcome! If you are not adding files, you can edit project data in landscape.yml directly on GitHub!

How can I propose new or different landscape categories?

Excellent! We have initiated a discussion to reconsider the existing landscape categories. Your suggestions on how to augment or reconfigure the CDF landscape categories are welcome. Please add your contributions to this discussion on an issue and link to the landscape categories issue #175.

How we as a community choose to categorize CI/CD tools informs how we are presenting and shaping an understanding of the CI/CD ecosystem. It is important that the perspective embodied in the landscape reflects that of the Continuous Delivery Foundation and the wider CI/CD community. For this reason, we welcome a diverse set of viewpoints and opinions to the discussion, which will be ongoing over the next few months. Thereafter, landscape categories will be reviewed periodically.

Join us in shaping the Continuous Delivery Foundation Landscape!

Add your project to the CDF Landscape