Supply Chain Management – the New SCM BlogMember Supply Chain Management – the New SCM A look at the history of SCM and what the new supply chain management is…CD FoundationSeptember 30, 2021
5 Key Takeaways: State of DevOps Panel BlogStaff 5 Key Takeaways: State of DevOps Panel Couldn't find time to watch the full State of DevOps Panel? We summarized it for…tracymirandaSeptember 6, 2021
New Ambassador Chair – Garima Bajpai BlogStaff New Ambassador Chair – Garima Bajpai Garima will lead CDF Ambassadors that are committed to empowering their local communities with skills,…CD FoundationSeptember 6, 2021
Jenkins Interoperability with CloudEvents BlogProject Jenkins Interoperability with CloudEvents Great news, Jenkins now supports CloudEvents!CD FoundationSeptember 2, 2021
Hardware Interoperability with Jenkins BlogProject Hardware Interoperability with Jenkins Learn about multi-layer hardware Interoperability and recent advancements in the Jenkins Platform.CD FoundationSeptember 2, 2021
Bringing Blue Ocean into the future of Jenkins BlogProject Bringing Blue Ocean into the future of Jenkins Blue Ocean brought the Jenkins UI to the modern world. What's next?CD FoundationSeptember 2, 2021
Going Cloud Native with Jenkins Kubernetes Operator BlogProject Going Cloud Native with Jenkins Kubernetes Operator Making good old technology fully interoperable in the cloud is not a trivial task. Find…CD FoundationSeptember 2, 2021
Announcement: CDF Chinese Localization SIG AnnouncementBlog Announcement: CDF Chinese Localization SIG The Jenkins Chinese Localization Special Interest Group (SIG) grows to become a CDF SIG!CD FoundationSeptember 1, 2021
The Pipeline Podcast Milestones BlogStaff The Pipeline Podcast Milestones The Pipeline podcast now has 50 episodes and was downloaded over 20,000 times!CD FoundationAugust 31, 2021
SupplyChainSecurityCon Program Announced! AnnouncementBlog SupplyChainSecurityCon Program Announced! SupplyChainSecurityCon program for October 11 has been announced. You won't want to miss this lineup!CD FoundationAugust 26, 2021