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Shipwright: What Happened in our First Year as a CDF Project

By July 9, 2022July 24th, 2023Blog, Project

CD Foundation is summarizing several key talks from cdCon 2022, held June 7-8, 2022, in Austin, Texas. Full video recordings are available of all talks.

Enrique Encalada and Sascha Schwarze with IBM present at cdCon 2022 on Shipwright and a recap on their experience in the first year as a CDF Project. Shipwright is a framework for declaring and executing container image builds in a Kubernetes cluster. It provides a pluggable architecture where common tools such as BuildKit, Buildah, or Buildpacks can be used in build strategies; and users define their build configurations based on them. 

In this talk, Enrique and Saschal give a quick introduction to the project. They describe how easy the installation has become with Shipwright being installable through OperatorHub. Both share how their new command-line interface makes it more convenient to get the first build going, and how it enables you to build from code that is on your local machine. The presenters take a tour through a variety of new features in the backend that empower you to build more secure images. Finally, they give an outlook on what’s coming next as well as time for questions and answers from the audience. 

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