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From Red Hat – Part 1: Building Multiarch imageStream with the NFD Operator and OpenShift 4

By Blog, Member

Originally posted on the OpenShift 4.3 blog by Eduardo Arango


Using general available packages (in the form of container images) from an official source or a certified provider comes with a big caveat in relation to performance-sensitive workloads. 

These packages may provide ABI compatibility, but they are not optimized for our specialized hardware (like GPUs or high-performance NICs), nor our CPU chip architecture. The best way to address this is to compile your packages (build your images) on your own deployment.

OpenShift provides a way to seamlessly build images based on defined events called BUILDS. A build is the process of transforming input parameters into a resulting object. Most often, the process is used to transform input parameters or source code into a runnable image. A BuildConfig object is the definition of the entire build process.

The missing part to building hardware-specific images is to orchestrate the build process over the different available resources. In this post you will learn about the Node Feature Discovery (NFD) operator and how to tie it to OpenShift builds to have a hardware-specific image build.

The first part describes the NFD operator and how you can use it to manage the detection of hardware features in the cluster. The second part describes how to create an imageStream from a GitHub webhook and how to use the information from the NFD operator to schedule node-specific builds. The third part presents a sample app to test what you have learned.

The Node Feature Discovery Operator

The Node Feature Discovery Operator (NFD) manages the detection of hardware features and configuration in an OpenShift cluster by labeling the nodes with hardware-specific information. NFD will label the host with node-specific attributes, like PCI cards, kernel, or OS version, and many more. See (Upstream NFD) for more info.

The NFD operator can be found on the Operator Hub by searching for “Node Feature Discovery”:

After following the install steps, you can go to “Installed Operators” in the OpenShift  cluster and see:

Inside, a card instructs you to create an instance:

Click on “Create Instance” to get help from the OpenShift web console, which will auto-generate the needed YAML file and allow you to create the object from the console.

Once the NFD operator is deployed, you can go to a node dashboard and check all the Node_labels generated by the operator. Here is a sample excerpt of NFD labels applied to the node:

By reading the generated labels, you can understand hardware information of the OpenShift node; for example, we are running an amd64 architecture with multithreading enabled: (“”, “”)

Defining a BuildConfig

BuildConfig is a powerful tool in OpenShift. OpenShift Container Platform uses Kubernetes by creating containers from build images and pushing them to a container image registry.

The first step is to create a specific namespace to allocate the builds:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
	name: multiarch-build
	labels: "true"

For this example, you are pointing the builds to a repository on GitHub. First, you need to generate a secret for the generated GitHub hook:

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: arch-dummy-github-webhook-secret
  namespace: multiarch-build
  WebHookSecretKey: bXVsdGlhcmNoLWJ1aWxk
kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: arch-dummy-generic-webhook-secret
  namespace: multiarch-build
  WebHookSecretKey: bXVsdGlhcmNoLWJ1aWxk

With the namespace and secret in place, you can now create the imageStream and BuildConfig to continuously watch for user-defined triggers to keep the image up to date. Image streams are part of the OpenShift extension APIs. Image streams are named references to container images. The OpenShift extension resources reference container images indirectly, using image streams.

The following YAML files can be generated via the OpenShift Developer web console. Once you have a generated imageStream and BuildConfig YAML, you need to make sure they look like the following:

kind: ImageStream
	app: arch-dummy
  name: arch-dummy
spec: {}
kind: BuildConfig
  name: arch-dummy
  namespace: multiarch-build
  selfLink: >-
	app: arch-dummy arch-dummy arch-dummy arch-dummy-app
  annotations: master ''
  nodeSelector: ""
  	cpu: "100m"
  	memory: "256Mi"
  	kind: ImageStreamTag
  	name: 'arch-dummy:latest'
  resources: {}
  successfulBuildsHistoryLimit: 3
  failedBuildsHistoryLimit: 3
	type: Docker
  	dockerfilePath: build/Dockerfile
  postCommit: {}
	type: Git
  	uri: ''
  	ref: master
	contextDir: /
	- type: ImageChange
  	ImageChange: {}
	- type: GitHub
      	name: arch-dummy-github-webhook-secret
	- type: ConfigChange
  runPolicy: Parallel

There are three lines worth noting in the above YAML (not auto-generated via the Developer web console), where you leverage the NFD operator labels to orchestrate the image builds on top of nodes with specific features, by using the nodeSelector key. For example, only schedule container builds on worker nodes with amd64 architecture:

  nodeSelector: ""

Now with the BuildConfig created, you can check out the GitHub URL hook: 

[eduardo@fedora-ws image_stream]$ oc describe bc/arch-dummy
Name:   	 arch-dummy
Namespace:    multiarch-build
Created:    5 days ago
Labels:   	 app=arch-dummy
Latest Version:    2

Strategy:   	 Docker
Ref:   		 master
ContextDir:   	 /
Dockerfile Path:    build/Dockerfile
Output to:   	 ImageStreamTag arch-dummy:latest

Build Run Policy:    Serial
Triggered by:   	 Config
Webhook Generic:
    AllowEnv:    false
Webhook GitHub:
Builds History Limit:
    Successful:    5
    Failed:   	 5

Build   	 Status   	 Duration    Creation Time
arch-dummy-1     complete     1m37s    	 2020-03-31 17:35:32 -0400 EDT

Events:    <none>


With this URL, you can then follow GitHub Webhook instructions for a ready-to-work imageStream..

To learn more about OpenShift Builds and more advanced use cases, you can go here.

Deploy an Example

To test what you just learned today, you can create a buildConfig of Arch-Dummy as a didactic confirmation that the feature-specific build is working. To do so, deploy the image as detailed on by selecting the built image “arch-dummy:latest”.

This image was built from the repo as seen in the imageStream.yaml.

This application generates a small API service with three endpoints:

/ -> Will retrieve information about the app

/version -> Will retrieve information about the app binary and where it was built


/ -> Will retrieve information about the app

/version -> Will retrieve information about the app binary and where it was built
{Git Commit:"6825a2f2a5b6a60278868260d8cdb51d192d9e63",CPU_arch:"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2686 v4 @",Built:"Tue Mar 31 21:43:15 UTC 2020",Go_version:"go1.12.8 linux/amd64"}

/cpu -> will retrieve information about the node on which the app is currently running

{name:"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2686 v4 @ 2.30GHz",model:"79",family:"6"}

This dummy arch app will allow you to test whether the image was built correctly and orchestrated correctly.


Building hardware-specific images is easy by leveraging internal OpenShift tooling like imageStreams and coupling with the Node-Feature-Discovery Operator to manage the detection of hardware features and configuration in the OpenShift cluster. OpenShift simplicity allows developers to define the nodeSelector key to orchestrate image builds over target hardware. These could prove to be of great use when you consider image-build processes that involve AI/ML training requiring GPU and other special resources.

Future Work

On this blog post, you saw a quick example on how to tie together the Node-Feature-Discovery Operator and Openshift imageStreams for simple hardware-specific image builds. The following post goes deeper into OpenShift replacing the imageStream build with OpenShift Pipelines and another operator, the Special-resource-operator, to build more complex images and deploy them in the cluster.