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A case for declarative configurations for ML training

By Blog, Community

Contributed by Benedikt Koller

Original article posted on May 17, 2020

No way around it: I am what you call an “Ops guy”. In my career I admin’ed more servers than I’ve written code. Over twelve years in the industry have left their permanent mark on me. For the last two of those I’m exposed to a new beast – Machine Learning. My hustle is bringing Ops-Knowledge to ML. These are my thoughts on that.

Deploying software into production

Hundreds of thousands of companies deploy software into production every day. Every deployment mechanism has someone who built it. Whoever it was (The Ops Guy™, SRE-Teams, “Devops Engineers”), all follow tried-and-true paradigms. After all, the goal is to ship code often, in repeatable and reliable ways. Let me give you a quick primer on two of those.

Infrastructure-as-code (IaC)

Infrastructure as code, or IaC, applies software engineering rules to infrastructure management. The goal is to avoid environment drift, and to ensure idempotent operations. In plain words, read the infrastructure configuration and you’ll know exactly how the resulting environment looks like. You can rerun the provisioning without side effects, and your infrastructure has a predictable state. IaC allows for version-controlled evolution of infrastructures and quick provisioning of extra resources. It does so through declarative configurations.

Famous tools for this paradigm are Terraform, and to a large degree Kubernetes itself.

Immutable infrastructure

In conjunction with IaC, immutable infrastructure ensures the provisioned state is maintained. Someone ssh’ed onto your server? Its tainted – you have no guarantee that it still is in the identical shape to the rest of your stack. Interaction between a provisioned infrastructure and new code happens only through automation. Infrastructure, e.g. a Kubernetes cluster, is never modified after it’s provisioned. Updates, fixes and modifications are only possible through new deployments of your infrastructure.

Operational efficiency requires thorough automation and handling of ephemeral data. Immutable infrastructure mitigates config drift and snowflake server woes entirely.

ML development

Developing machine learning models works in different ways. In a worst case scenario, new models begin their “life” in a Jupyter Notebook on someones laptop. Code is not checked into git, there is no requirements file, and cells can be executed in any arbitrary order. Data exploration and preprocessing are intermingled. Training happens on that one shared VM with the NVIDIA K80, but someone messed with the CUDA drivers. Ah, and does anyone remember where I put those matplotlib-screenshots that showed the AUROC and MSE?

Getting ML models into production reliably, repeatedly and fast remains a challenge, and large data sets become a multiplying factor. The solution? Learn from our Ops-brethren.

We can extract key learnings from the evolution of infrastructure management and software deployments:

  1. Automate processing and provisioning
  2. Version-control states and instructions
  3. Write declarative configs

How can we apply them to a ML training flow?

Fetching data

Automate fetching of data. Declaratively define the datasource, the subset of data to use and then persist the results. Repeated experiments on the same source and subset can use the cached results.

Thanks to automation, fetching data can be rerun at any time. The results are persisted, so data can be versioned. And by reading the input configuration everyone can clearly tell what went into the experiment.

Splitting (and preprocessing data)

Splitting data can be standardized into functions.

  • Splitting happens on a quota, e.g. 70% into train, 30% into eval. Data might be sorted on an index, data might be categorized.
  • Splitting happens based on features/colums. Data might be categorized, Data might be sorted on an index.
  • Data might require preprocessing / feature engineering (e.g. filling, standardization).
  • A wild mix of the above.

Given those, we can define an interface and invoke processing through parameters – and use a declarative config. Persist the results so future experiments can warm-start.

Implementation of interfaces makes automated processing possible. The resulting train/eval datasets are versionable, and my input config is the declarative authority on the resulting state of the input dataset.



Standardizing models is hard. Higher-level abstractions like Tensorflow and Keras already provide comprehensive APIs, but complex architectures need custom code injection.

A declarative config will, at least, state which version-controlled code was used. Re-runs on the same input will deliver the same results, re-runs on different inputs can be compared. Automation of training will yield a version-controllable artefact – the model – of a declared and therefore anticipatable shape.


Surprisingly, this is the hardest to fully automate. The dataset and individual usecase define the required evaluation metrics. However, we can stand on the shoulders of giants. Great tools like Tensorboard and the What-If-Tool go a long way. Our automation just needs to account for enough flexibility that a.) custom metrics for evaluation can be injected, and b.) raw training results are exposed for custom evaluation means.


Serving is caught between the worlds. It would be easy to claim that a trained model is a permanent artifact, like you might claim that a Docker container acts as an artifact of software development. We can borrow another learning from software developers – if you don’t understand where your code is run, you don’t understand your code.

Only by understanding how a model is served will a ML training flow ever be complete. For one, data is prone to change. A myriad of reasons might be the cause, but the result remains the same: Models need to be retrained to account for data drift. In short, continuous training is required. Through the declarative configuration of our ML flow so far we can reuse this configuration and inject new data – and iterate on those new results.

For another, preprocessing might need embedding with your model. Automation lets us apply the same preprocessing steps used in training to live data, guaranteeing identical shape of input data.


Outside academia, performance of machine learning models is measured through impact – economically, or by increased efficiency. Only reliable and consistent results are true measures for the success of applied ML. We as a new and still growing part of software engineering have to make sure of this success. And the reproducibility of success hinges on the repeatability of the full ML development lifecycle.

Scaling Continuous Delivery and Runbook Automation via Tool Interoperability Interfaces

By Blog, Community

Originally posted on Medium by community member, Andreas Grimmer

Continuous Delivery (CD) and Runbook Automation are standard means to deploy, operate and manage software artifacts across the software life cycle. Based on our analysis of many delivery pipeline implementations, we have seen that on average seven or more tools are included in these processes, e.g., version control, build management, issue tracking, testing, monitoring, deployment automation, artifact management, incident management, or team communication. Most often, these tools are “glued together” using custom, ad-hoc integrations in order to form a full end-to-end workflow. Unfortunately, these custom ad-hoc tool integrations also exist in Runbook Automation processes.

Processes usually integrate multiple tools and exist in multiple permutations

Problem: Point-to-Point Integrations are Hard to Scale and Maintain

Not only is this approach error-prone but maintenance and troubleshooting of these integrations in all its permutations is time-intensive too. There are several factors that prevent organizations from scaling this across multiple teams:

  • Number of tools: Although the great availability of different tools always allows having the appropriate tool in place, the numberof required integrations explodes.
  • Tight coupling: The tool integrations are usually implemented within the pipeline, which results in a tight coupling between the pipeline and the tool.
  • Copy-paste pipeline programming: A common approach we are frequently seeing is that a pipeline with a working tool integration is often used as a starting point for new pipelines. If now the API of a used tool changes, all pipelines have to catch up to stay compatible and to prevent vulnerabilities.

Let’s imagine an organization with hundreds of copy-paste pipelines, which all contain a hard-coded piece of code for triggering Hey load tests. Now this organization would like to switch from Hey to JMeter. Therefore, they would have to change all their pipelines. This is clearly not efficient!

Solution: Providing Standardized Interoperability Interfaces

In order to solve these challenges, we propose introducing interoperability interfaces, which allow abstract tooling in CD and Runbook Automation processes. These interfaces should trigger operations in a tool-agnostic way.

For example, a test interface could abstract different testing tools. This interface can then be used within a pipeline to trigger a test without knowing which tool is executing the actual test in the background.

Interface abstracts the actual tooling

These interoperability interfaces are important and this is confirmed by the fact that the Continuous Delivery Foundation has implemented a dedicated working group on Interoperability, as well as the open-source project Eiffel, which provides an event-based protocol enabling a technology-agnostic communication especially for Continuous Integration tasks.

Use Events as Interoperability Interfaces

By implementing these interoperability interfaces, we define a standardized set of events. These events are based on CloudEvents and allow us to describe event data in a common way.

The first goal of our standardization efforts is to define a common set of CD and runbook automation operations. We identified the following common operations (please let us know if we are missing important operations!):

  • Operations in CD processes: deployment, test, evaluation, release, rollback
  • Operations in Runbook Automation processes: problem analysis, execution of the remediation action, evaluation, and escalation/resolution notification

For each of these operations, an interface is required, which abstracts the tooling executing the operation. When using events, each interface can be modeled as a dedicated event type.

The second goal is to standardize the data within the event, which is needed by the tools in order to trigger the respective operation. For example, a deployment tool would need the information of the artifact to be deployed in the event. Therefore, the event can either contain the required resources (e.g. a Helm chart for k8s) or a URI to these resources.

We already defined a first set of events, which is specifically designed for Keptn — an open-source project implementing a control plane for continuous delivery and automated operations. We know that these events are currently too tailored for Keptn and single tools. So, please

Let us Work Together on Standardizing Interoperability Interfaces

In order to work on a standardized set of events, we would like to ask you to join us in Keptn Slack.

We can use the #keptn-spec channel in order to work on standardizing interoperability interfaces, which eventually are directly interpreted by tools and will make custom tool integrations obsolete!

Dailymotion’s Continuous Delivery story with Jenkins, Jenkins X, and Tekton

By Blog, Community

From Dailymotion, a French video-sharing technology platform with over 300 million unique monthly users

At Dailymotion, we are hosting and delivering premium video content to users all around the world. We are building a large variety of software to power this service, from our player or website to our GraphQL API or ad-tech platform. Continuous Delivery is a central practice in our organization, allowing us to push new features quickly and in an iterative way.

We are early adopters of Kubernetes: we built our own hybrid platform, hosted both on-premise and on the cloud. And we heavily rely on Jenkins to power our “release platform”, which is responsible for building, testing, packaging and deploying all our software. Because we have hundreds of repositories, we are using Jenkins Shared Libraries to keep our pipeline files as small as possible. It is an important feature for us, ensuring both a low maintenance cost and a homogeneous experience for all developers – even though they are working on projects using different technology stacks. We even built Gazr, a convention for writing Makefiles with standard targets, which is the foundation for our Jenkins Pipelines.

In 2018, we migrated our ad-tech product to Kubernetes and took the opportunity to set up a Jenkins instance in our new cluster – or better yet move to a “cloud-native” alternative. Jenkins X was released just a few months before, and it seemed like a perfect match for us:

  • It is built on top and for Kubernetes.
  • At that time – in 2018 – it was using Jenkins to run the pipelines, which was good news given our experience with Jenkins.
  • It comes with features such as preview environments which are a real benefit for us.
  • And it uses the Gitops practice, which we found very interesting because we love version control, peer review, and automation.

While adopting Jenkins X we discovered that it is first a set of good practices derived from the best performing teams, and then a set of tools to implement these practices. If you try to adopt the tools without understanding the practices, you risk fighting against the tool because it won’t fit your practices. So you should start with the practices. Jenkins X is built on top of the practices described in the Accelerate book, such as micro-services and loosely-coupled architecture, trunk-based development, feature flags, backward compatibility, continuous integration, frequent and automated releases, continuous delivery, Gitops, … Understanding these practices and their benefits is the first step. After that, you will see the limitations of your current workflow and tools. This is when you can introduce Jenkins X, its workflow and set of tools.

We’ve been using Jenkins X since the beginning of 2019 to handle all the build and delivery of our ad-tech platform, with great benefits. The main one being the improved velocity: we used to release and deploy every two weeks, at the end of each sprint. Following the adoption of Jenkins X and its set of practices, we’re now releasing between 10 and 15 times per day and deploying to production between 5 and 10 times per day. According to the State of DevOps Report for 2019, our ad-tech team jumped from the medium performers’ group to somewhere between the high and elite performers’ groups.

But these benefits did not come for free. Adopting Jenkins X early meant that we had to customize it to bypass its initial limitations, such as the ability to deploy to multiple clusters. We’ve detailed our work in a recent blog post, and we received the “Most Innovative Jenkins X Implementation” Jenkins Community Award in 2019 for it. It’s important to note that most of the issues we found have been fixed or are being fixed. The Jenkins X team has been listening to the community feedback and is really focused on improving their product. The new Jenkins X Labs is a good example.

As our usage of Jenkins X grows, we’re hitting more and more the limits of the single Jenkins instance deployed as part of Jenkins X. In a platform where every component has been developed with a cloud-native mindset, Jenkins is the only one that has been forced into an environment for which it was not built. It is still a single point of failure, with a much higher maintenance cost than the other components – mainly due to the various plugins.

In 2019, the Jenkins X team started to replace Jenkins with a combination of Prow and Tekton. Prow (or Lighthouse) is the component which handles the incoming webhook events from GitHub, and what Jenkins X calls the “ChatOps”: all the interactions between GitHub and the CI/CD platform. Tekton is a pipeline execution engine. It is a cloud-native project built on top of Kubernetes, fully leveraging the API and capabilities of this platform. No single point of failure, no plugins compatibility nightmare – yet.

Since the beginning of 2020, we’ve started an internal project to upgrade our Jenkins X setup – by introducing Prow and Tekton. We saw immediate benefits:

  • Faster scheduling of pipelines “runners” pods – because all components are now Kubernetes-native components.
  • Simpler pipelines – thanks to both the Jenkins X Pipelines YAML syntax and the ability to easily decouple a complex pipeline in multiple small ones that are run concurrently.
  • Lower maintenance cost.

While replacing the pipeline engine of Jenkins X might seem like an implementation detail, in fact, it has a big impact on the developers. Everybody is used to see the Jenkins UI as the CI/CD UI – the main entry point, the way to manually restart pipelines executions, to access logs and test results. Sure, there is a new UI and a real API with an awesome CLI, but the new UI is not finished yet, and some people still prefer to use web browsers and terminals. Leaving the Jenkins Plugins ecosystem is also a difficult decision because some projects heavily rely on a few plugins. And finally, with the introduction of Prow (Lighthouse) the Github workflow is a bit different, with Pull Requests merges being done automatically, instead of people manually merging when all the reviews and automated checks are green.

So if 2019 was the year of Jenkins X at Dailymotion, 2020 will definitely be the year of Tekton: our main release platform – used by almost all our projects except the ad-tech ones – is still powered by Jenkins, and we feel more and more its limitations in a Kubernetes world. This is why we plan to replace all our Jenkins instances with Tekton, which was truly built for Kubernetes and will enable us to scale our Continuous Delivery practices.