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ITBiz: Trend DevOps se zadrhl a už nezvyšuje produktivitu

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Studie 2024 CD Foundation State of CI/CD Report společnosti CDF (Continuous Delivery Foundation) ukazuje, že popularita modelu DevOps poněkud stagnuje. DevOps je stále hlavním trendem v oblasti vývoje a provozu softwaru, ale už nejde o revoluční přístup, naopak dochází k lehkému ústupu této metodiky (spolu s příbuzným přístupem continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD).

Ze studie vyplývá mj. následující:
V prvním čtvrtletí roku 2024 postupy DevOps využilo 83 % vývojářů, což je pokles z 85 %. před rokem. Co se dalších čísel týče:

  • 9 % vývojářů nasazuje kód víckrát denně.
  • 11 % dokáže obnovit službu po výpadku za méně než za hodinu.
  • 14 % vývojářů uvedlo, že jsou schopni zprovoznit kód v produkčním prostředí za méně než jeden den.

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ComputerWoche: 6 Maßnahmen für bessere CI/CD-Pipelines

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Pipelines für Continuous Integration und Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) zu konfigurieren, um Code automatisiert zu verpacken, zu kompilieren und zu veröffentlichen, wird als grundlegende DevSecOps-Methodik angesehen. Indem sie den Weg des Codes in die Produktion automatisieren, können DevSecOps-Teams:

  • Fehler reduzieren,
  • die Deployment-Frequenz erhöhen,
  • Produktionsprobleme schneller lösen, sowie
  • ihre Teamkultur optimieren.

Wenn es darum geht, diese CI/CD Pipelines – und die zugrundeliegenden Plattformen – möglichst sinnstiftend und zukunftsfähig zu entwickeln, besteht in vielen Fällen noch Luft nach oben. Im Gespräch mit Experten auf dem Gebiet der Softwareentwicklung haben wir sechs Möglichkeiten identifiziert, wie DevSecOps-Teams ihre CI/CD Pipelines optimieren und maximalen Business Impact erzielen können.

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ITPro Today

ITPro Today: CD Foundation State of Continuous Delivery Report Shows Growth in DevOps

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The Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) released its fourth State of Continuous Delivery Report this week, providing new insights into current trends in the DevOps landscape.

The report was released during the cdCon + GitOpsCon event that is part of the Linux Foundation’s Open Source Summit, which runs May 8-12. The CDF hosts a number of critical open source DevOps projects, including Jenkins, Spinnaker, Tekton, and CDEvents. The new report is based on research conducted by SlashData, which benefits from the responses of 26,000 global respondents.

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CodeZine: CDFの最新レポート「継続的インテグレーション&継続的デリバリーの近況」が参考訳として同時公開

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 Linux Foundation Japanは、Continuous Delivery Foundation(CDF)の最新レポート「State of CI/CD Report 2024 : The Evolution of Software Delivery Performance」と、参考訳「継続的インテグレーション & 継続的デリバリーの近況:ソフトウェアデリバリーパフォーマンスの進化」が同時公開されたことを、4月17日に発表した。


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ITPro Today

ITPro Today: DevOps Momentum Stalls as Software Delivery Metrics Flatline

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DevOps is still a major trend in software development and operations, but it doesn’t have quite the same excitement or momentum that it once had.

A new report from the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) provides an in-depth look at the evolving state of DevOps and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) practices among developers worldwide. While adoption of methodologies such as CI/CD remains widespread, developers’ actual software delivery performance metrics have stagnated or even declined slightly in recent years.

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Mynavi: 開発者の8割がDevOps関連の活動を実践するも課題 – Linux Foundation Japan

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Linux Foundation Japanは4月17日、ソフトウェア開発のための継続的インテグレーションおよび継続的デリバリー(CI/CD)システムの現状と過去3年の進化に関する調査レポート「継続的インテグレーションおよび継続的デリバリー(State of CI/CD Report 2024 : The Evolution of Software Delivery Performance)」を公開した。日本語版も同時公開されWebサイトで無料閲覧できる。

レポートは、ソフトウェア開発におけるCI/CDシステムの現状、過去3年間の進化の内容をまとめたもので、CI/CD関連オープンソース普及を目指すプロジェクトContinuous Delivery Foundation(以下略、CDF)の委託のもと調査会社SlashDataが作成。2020年から2024年第1四半期までの3年半の期間、全世界15万人以上を対象に同社が実施したオンライン開発者アンケート「Developer Nation」の過去8回の調査データにもとづいて作成されている。

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atmarkIT: 同じ形式のツールを複数使用するのは逆効果 Linux FoundationがCI/CDに関するレポートを公開

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 The Linux Foundation Japanは2024年4月17日、Continuous Delivery Foundation(CDF)の最新レポート「State of CI/CD Report 2024:The Evolution of Software Delivery Performance(継続的インテグレーション&継続的デリバリーの近況:ソフトウェアデリバリーパフォーマンスの進化)」を公開した。これは、継続的インテグレーション(CI)と継続的デリバリー(CD)開発者エコシステムの現状と、過去3年半の進化の過程を分析したもの。

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Marktechpost Media: Survey Finds Majority of Developers Embrace DevOps Practices

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According to a recent survey conducted by the Continuous Delivery(CD) Foundation, as part of the State of CI/CD Report 2024, 83% of developers are actively involved in DevOps-related activities. The report, authored by developer researcher SlashData and sponsored by CloudBees, sheds light on the current landscape of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) practices within the developer community.

The findings, released on April 16, 2024, highlight the widespread adoption of DevOps practices among developers, including activities such as performance monitoring, security testing, and CI/CD implementation. Interestingly, the report also uncovers a correlation between developers’ experience levels and their adoption of DevOps practices, indicating that less-experienced developers tend to adopt fewer DevOps practices and technologies, leading to lower deployment performance.

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ITWorld: 개발자 83%는 이미 데브옵스를 쓰고 있다

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개발자 10명 중 8명이 데브옵스 관련 활동에 참여하고 있다는 조사 결과가 나왔다.

리눅스 파운데이션 산하 CD 파운데이션(Continuous Delivery Foundation)의 ‘CI/CD 현황 보고서 2024(the State of CI/CD Report 2024)‘에 따르면 2024년 1분기를 기준으로, 성능 모니터링과 보안 테스트, CI/CD 등 데브옵스 관련 활동에 참여한 개발자가 83%다. 데브옵스 경험이 적을수록 데브옵스 관행과 기술을 더 적게 도입하는 것으로 나타났는데, 모든 DORA(DevOps Research Assessment) 지표에서 배포 성과가 낮은 것도 같은 이 때문으로 보인다. 


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