Delivering new software features faster, while making sure that services are solid and secure is a key differentiator for every business today. The key to getting there is to adopt continuous delivery and DevOps practices. But how do you know if your adoption efforts are being successful? How do you know you are ultimately on the right path with the changes you are making?
This has been a key topic of discussion at the CDF End User Council where over the past few weeks we have been having many in-depth discussions covering:
- How different organizations measure their success
- 4 key DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) metrics
- Antipatterns when trying to measure efforts
- Methods for visualizing progress and aligning team focus
- Challenges organizations face when trying to adopt metrics
Now the CDF End User Council is ready to have that discussion in the open so we all share and learn together. One of the three 2021 Goals for the CDF End User Council is to “Grow the end-user community while driving continuous delivery adoption.” To achieve this goal, we’re launching the CDF End User Leadership Forum: interactive discussion with special guests and audience participation through a chat.
The first in a series of CDF End User Council Forums, Measuring DevOps Success, will take place on March 31. John Mark Walker, of Capital One, and I will be hosting the event and directing the discussion between our expert panelists: Dina Portman, of Google, and Nicholas Penston, of Fidelity Investments.
The objective of this event is to initiate an open, industry-wide conversation about measuring DevOps metrics, with a particular focus on the four DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) metrics. The discussion will look to balance cutting-edge work and research being done in this space with the realities of the end-user organizations who face challenges in adopting these metrics.
Learn more about the topic by watching Dina Portman’s cdCon 2020 talk Measuring DevOps. That way, you can prepare your questions before the live event!
*Update* Event took place on March 31 and the recording is now available! Watch it