The Pipeline: All things CD & DevOps Podcast
by Jacqueline Salinas
Dear CDF Community,
Wow! The Pipeline: All Things CD & DevOps podcast launched April 2020 and for the past eight months the podcast has hosted 25+ industry experts and trailblazers of the CD & DevOps community.
The podcast was launched with the intent to be a series of interviews with industry experts, leaders, and innovators. Each of these episodes has been created with the vision to curate digital, easily digestible, and fun content to help you stay up to date on the latest trends, news, and innovations. The goal of the CD Foundation is to deliver content that helps expand your knowledge on the vast CD & DevOps ecosystem and the podcast is only one of the various programs designed to help deliver on this goal. The Pipeline was designed to help you learn from your peers, as well as, thought leaders in the CDF community who have been there and done that. We are excited to wrap up the year with a total of 25 episodes and launching season 2 this coming January 2021!
A sincere thank you to all of our guests as they have made this program possible. This program is open to all our community members. Interested in joining the fun and being the next guest? Learn more about how to participate by reading the guideline here.
We are happy to announce some incredible stats reached in 2020!
General Statistics
- 6,400+ downloads surpassed
- 25 episodes published by the end of the year (Episode 20 published Nov. 27)
- 26 speakers
- Female: 9
- Male: 17
- Non-binary: 0
Contributing CDF Members
The members that participated in the podcast in 2020:
- Anchor
- CircleCI
- Cloudbees
- Codefresh
- DeployHub
- Harness
- JFrog
- OpsMx
- Puppet
- Shipa
Top 5 Episodes
The episodes you most loved to hear:
- Configuration Management – Needed Now More Than Ever! – Tracy Ragan (DeployHub)
- Continuous Delivery, Defined – Dan Lorenc, Christie Wilson, Jason Hall (Google)
- What is GitOps? – Viktor Farcic (Codefresh)
- Event-Driven DevOps with Keptn: The End of the Monolithic Delivery Pipeline! – Andy Grabner (Dynatrace)
- A Day in the Life of a Jenkins Plugin Maintainer – Marky Jackson (Equinix Metal)
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