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From Jenkins – GitHub App authentication support released

By Blog, Project

Originally posted on the Jenkins blog by Tim Jacomb

I’m excited to announce support for authenticating as a GitHub app in Jenkins. This has been a long awaited feature by many users.

It has been released in GitHub Branch Source 2.7.0-beta1 which is available in the Jenkins experimental update center.

Authenticating as a GitHub app brings many benefits:

  • Larger rate limits – The rate limit for a GitHub app scales with your organization size, whereas a user based token has a limit of 5000 regardless of how many repositories you have.
  • User-independent authentication – Each GitHub app has its own user-independent authentication. No more need for ‘bot’ users or figuring out who should be the owner of 2FA or OAuth tokens.
  • Improved security and tighter permissions – GitHub Apps offer much finer-grained permissions compared to a service user and its personal access tokens. This lets the Jenkins GitHub app require a much smaller set of privileges to run properly.
  • Access to GitHub Checks API – GitHub Apps can access the the GitHub Checks API to create check runs and check suites from Jenkins jobs and provide detailed feedback on commits as well as code annotation

Getting started

Install the GitHub Branch Source plugin, make sure the version is at least 2.7.0-beta1. Installation guidelines for beta releases are available here

Configuring the GitHub Organization Folder

Follow the GitHub App Authentication setup guide. These instructions are also linked from the plugin’s README on GitHub.

Once you’ve finished setting it up, Jenkins will validate your credential and you should see your new rate limit. Here’s an example on a large org:

GitHub app rate limit

How do I get an API token in my pipeline?

In addition to usage of GitHub App authentication for Multi-Branch Pipeline, you can also use app authentication directly in your Pipelines. You can access the Bearer token for the GitHub API by just loading a ‘Username/Password’ credential as usual, the plugin will handle authenticating with GitHub in the background.

This could be used to call additional GitHub API endpoints from your pipeline, possibly the deployments api or you may wish to implement your own checks api integration until Jenkins supports this out of the box.

Note: the API token you get will only be valid for one hour, don’t get it at the start of the pipeline and assume it will be valid all the way through

Example: Let’s submit a check run to Jenkins from our Pipeline:

pipeline {
  agent any

    stage('Check run') {
      steps {
        withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'githubapp-jenkins',
                                          usernameVariable: 'GITHUB_APP',
                                          passwordVariable: 'GITHUB_JWT_TOKEN')]) {
            sh '''
            curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
                 -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.antiope-preview+json" \
                 -H "authorization: Bearer ${GITHUB_JWT_TOKEN}" \
                 -d '{ "name": "check_run", \
                       "head_sha": "'${GIT_COMMIT}'", \
                       "status": "in_progress", \
                       "external_id": "42", \
                       "started_at": "2020-03-05T11:14:52Z", \
                       "output": { "title": "Check run from Jenkins!", \
                                   "summary": "This is a check run which has been generated from Jenkins as GitHub App", \
                                   "text": "...and that is awesome"}}'<org>/<repo>/check-runs

What’s next

GitHub Apps authentication in Jenkins is a huge improvement. Many teams have already started using it and have helped improve it by giving pre-release feedback. There are more improvements on the way.

There’s a proposed Google Summer of Code project: GitHub Checks API for Jenkins Plugins. It will look at integrating with the Checks API, with a focus on reporting issues found using the warnings-ng plugin directly onto the GitHub pull requests, along with test results summary on GitHub. Hopefully it will make the Pipeline example below much simpler for Jenkins users 🙂 If you want to get involved with this, join the GSoC Gitter channel and ask how you can help.

How do we measure the growth of CD Foundation projects and their communities?

By Blog, Community

Written by Tracy Miranda, CloudBees director of open source community and member of the CDF governing board

The CD Foundation (CDF) recently shared its 9 Strategic Goals. The second on the list is “Cultivate Growth of Projects.” This goal naturally leads us to ask ourselves the question: how do we measure the growth of our projects to know we are being successful?

There are many dimensions to open source projects. In order to sustain a project much more than code is required. The CDF helps with multiple essential services for project growth and sustenance. One of my favourite services is the CDF devstats site, which provides a wealth of data around the projects. CDF devstats, which is based on the CNCF devstats, gives indicators on community health and contributor statistics. 

Example from Tekton, one of many dashboards and data sets available:

Sometimes we have distorted views of how well projects are doing – this can be down to a few things such as hype or public sentiment around a project. Sometimes newer projects are viewed as doing better than older projects. It is important to have a sense of how well your project is doing. While there are lots of different ways to do it, one method I really like is looking at the number of individual developers contributing to a project. 

With CDF devstats I am able to take a snapshot of that data, and then see how the CDF projects stacked up against CNCF graduated projects. 

The chart here shows a visualization of average developer contributions to each project based on data from the past one year. There are many caveats with the data. E.g. Which repos are included for each project may not be strictly equivalent. But what I like about it is that at a high level it gives an indication of the size of project contributions and how projects compare relatively. 

I also like that it is all open – so you can verify the data and process  for yourself, plus do your own analysis. 

Kubernetes, as you might expect,  is a powerhouse of a project with thousands of contributors. But actually Jenkins stacks up nicely in comparison with a healthy number of contributions – which is all the more significant considering it is a 15 year old project. Sustaining and growing community contributions year-on-year for 15 years is an incredible achievement. The other CDF projects, Spinnaker, Jenkins X and Tekton, are much newer but also coming along quite nicely. See this repo for links to data. 

For me this is a nice snapshot to say we’re off to a good start here at CDF. Individual project growth will come down to each project’s community – but CDF will be working to provide key services and some of the less fun grunt stuff so project leaders can better focus on the important efforts of community building.