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CDF Community Awards 2023

The Continuous Delivery Foundation gives awards to recognize all the work that makes this community and the progress of Continuous Delivery possible.

View the Award Guidelines, Definitions, and previous winners here.

The winners were announced at cdCon! Congratulations to the winners. View them here.

2023 Award Categories

CDF Awards

  • Continuous Enthusiast ➡ Nominees
  • Top CDF Ambassador ➡ Nominees
  • Top CDF Contributor ➡ Nominees
  • Top Doc(umenter) ➡ Nominees
  • Top CDF End User (Nominated by the TOC and Outreach Committee)

Jenkins Awards

  • Most Valuable Jenkins Advocate ➡ Nominees
  • Most Valuable Jenkins Contributor ➡ Nominees
  • Jenkins Security MVP ➡ Nominees

Tekton Awards

Last year, Tekton Graduated, which means from now on, they also get three awards!

  • Most Valuable Tekton Advocate
  • Most Valuable Tekton Contributor
  • Tekton Security MVP

➡ Nominees Tekton Awards

Project Awards

  • CDEvents: Most Valuable Contributor ➡ Nominees
  • Jenkins X: Most Valuable Contributor ➡ Nominees
  • Ortelius: Most Valuable Contributor ➡ Nominees
  • Pyrsia: Most Valuable Contributor ➡ Nominees
  • Screwdriver: Most Valuable Contributor ➡ Nominees

Note: Each project can decide how to elect their Most Valuable Contributor.

Nomination Process

The nomination process takes place on GitHub to make the process open. If you don’t have a GitHub account, you can send us the nomination by email and we will post it there on your behalf.

Voting Process

The CDF Award voting is done by members of the TOC, Ambassadors and Outreach Committee,who will receive an email with information on how to vote. If you’re a member of one of those groups and have not received an email by March 10, please send us an email.

Projects may conduct their voting process however they choose to.

CDF Award Officers 2023

Thank you to Tracy Ragan and Ullrich Hafner who volunteered to be the CDF Award Officers for the five CDF awards listed above.

Timeline Awards 2023

  • Nominations close: Friday, March 3
  • Voting opens: Wednesday, March 8
  • Voting closes: Tuesday, March 28
  • Winners announced at cdCon + GitOpsCon: May 8 – 9, 2023

2022 Winners

Congratulations to this the 2022 CD Foundation Community Award Winners announced at cdCon 2022 in Austin Texas. Watch the ceremony on YouTube.