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Insights by Harness – Common Challenges with Continuous Delivery

By Blog, Member

At Harness, we are here to champion Continuous Delivery for all. As a member of the Continuous Delivery Foundation [CDF], we’re happy to see that the industry has taken a collective step forward to better each other’s capabilities. We are pretty fortunate to have the opportunity to talk to many people along their Continuous Delivery journey. Part of what we do at Harness when engaging with a customer or prospect is help run a Continuous Delivery Capability Assessment (CDCA) to catalog and measure maturity. 

Over the past year, we have analyzed and aggregated the capability assessments that we have performed. We uncovered common challenges organizations faced in the past 12 months. In Continuous Delivery Insights 2020, we identified the time, effort, cost, and velocity associated with their current Continuous Delivery process. Trending data that we have around key metrics is that velocity is up but also complexity and cost are on the rise. 

Key Findings

We observed the following Continuous Delivery performance metrics across the sample of over 100 firms. Organizations that are looking towards strengthening or furthering their Continuous Delivery goals we noticed the following with median [middle] or average values. As sophisticated as organizations are, there is still a lot of effort to get features/fixes into production. 

In terms of deployment frequency, we define deployment frequency as the number of times a build is deployed to production. In terms of a microservices architecture, deployment frequency is usually increased as the number of services typically have a one to one relationship with the build. For the sample set we interviewed, the median deployment frequency is ten days which shows bi-monthly deployments are becoming more the norm.

These bi-monthly deployments might be on demand but the lead times can start to add up. Lead time is the amount of time needed to validate a deployment once the process has started. Through the sample, organizations typically require an average of eight hours; e.g eight hours of advance notice to allow validation and sign off of a deployment. 

If during those eight hours of lead time during the validation steps, if a decision is made to roll back, we saw that organizations in the sample averaged 60 mins of time to restore a service e.g roll back or roll forward. An hour might not seem too long to some but for engineers, every second can feel stressful as you race to restore your SLAs

Adding up all the effort from different team members during a deployment, getting an artifact into production represented an average of 25 human hours of work. Certainly, different team members will have varying levels of involvement throughout the build, deploy, and validation cycles but represents more than ½ a week of a full-time employee in total burden. 

Software development is full of unknowns; core to innovation we are trying and developing approaches and features for the first time. Expectation is there for iteration and learning from failures. We certainly have gotten better at deployment and testing methodologies and one way to measure is with change failure rate or the percentage of deployments that fail. Through the sample set, there was on average 11% of deployments failed. Not all doom and gloom, the Continuous Delivery Foundation is here to move the needle forward. 

Looking Forward 

The goal of the Continuous Delivery Foundation and Harness is to collectively raise the bar around software delivery. For organizations that are members of the Continuous Delivery Foundation, deploying via a canary deployment seems like second nature for safer deployments. If you are unfamiliar with a canary deployment, basically a safe approach to releasing where you send in a canary [release candidate] and incrementally replace the stable version until the canary has taken over.  As simple as this concept is to grasp, in practice can be difficult. In Continuous Delivery Insights 2020, only about four percent of organizations were taking a canary based approach somewhere in their organization. 
We are excited to start to track metrics on the overall challenges with Continuous Delivery year to year and work towards improving the metrics and adoption of Continous Delivery approaches for all. For greater insights, approaches, and breakdowns, feel free to grab your digital copy of Continuous Delivery Insights 2020 today!

From IBM – Build and Deliver Using Tekton-Enabled Pipelines

By Blog, Member

Originally posted to the IBM blog by Jerh O’Connor

We are delighted to announce the addition of the industry-leading Tekton capability to IBM Cloud Continuous Delivery pipelines.

With this new type of Continuous Delivery Pipeline, you define your pipeline as code using Tekton resource YAML stored in a Git repository. This lets you version and share your pipeline definitions while allowing you to configure, run, and view pipeline output in the familiar IBM Cloud Continuous Delivery DevOps experience.

Tekton Pipelines is an open source project, born out of Knative Build, that you can use to configure and run continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines within a Kubernetes cluster.

Tekton Pipelines are cloud native and run on Kubernetes using custom resource definitions specialized for executing CI/CD workflows. The Tekton Pipelines project is new and evolving and has support and active commitment from leading technology companies, including IBM, Red Hat, Google, and CloudBees. 

For a closer look at Tekton, see our video “What is Tekton?”:06:49

What is Tekton?

In addition to the benefits of Tekton, this new capability in IBM Continuous Delivery provides the following unique features:

  • dashboard to easily view in-flight and completed Pipeline Run information
  • Manual and Git triggering support
  • Integration into the rich Open Toolchain ecosystem of integrations
Delivery Pipeline Tekton Dashboard

How to get started

Getting started with CD Tekton-enabled pipelines requires a little setup. You will need the following:

Once you have these pieces in place, you need to configure the Tekton Pipeline to enable the running of your pipeline.

Click on the Tekton Pipeline tile on your toolchain dashboard to be taken to the configuration screen, where you will see notifications on what remains to be configured to use this new pipeline technology:

Click on the Tekton Pipeline tile on your toolchain dashboard to be taken to the configuration screen, where you will see notifications on what remains to be configured to use this new pipeline technology:

Select the required values in the Definitions tab, select your private worker in the Worker tab, and click Save.

You now need to set some trigger mappings via the Triggers tab so you can run the pipeline.

The simplest trigger is a manual trigger where you kick off a run yourself from the dashboard. You can also create Git triggers that fire based on git push and pull events as needed.

CD Tekton-enabled pipelines also provide a means of externalising reusable properties and provide a simple, secure method for storing sensitive information like apikeys via the Environment Properties tab.

Once the setup has been completed, the new Tekton Dashboard automatically updates to show information on in-flight and completed Pipeline Runs, showing the status of these runs and allowing the cancellation and deletion of runs.

In all cases, you can dig deeper into the logs and see the output of each Tekton Task and Step in the selected Pipeline run.


Caution: The Tekton Pipelines project is still in alpha and being actively developed. It is very likely that you will need to make changes to your pipeline definitions as the project continues to evolve

Watch the demo

Watch this short companion video for a demo of using our sample Tekton pipeline in IBM Cloud.


Now you can try it out yourself. For more information, see our documentation. If you have questions, engage our team via Slack by registering here and join the discussion in the #ask-your-question channel on our public Cloud DevOps @ IBM Slack.

We’d love to hear your feedback.

Learn more about Tekton by reading “Tekton: A Modern Approach to Continuous Delivery.”

From Armory – Kelsey Hightower on Spinnaker: Culture is what you DO

By Blog, Member

Originally posted on the Armory blog, by Rosalind Benoit

“Let Google’s CloudBuild handle building, testing, and pushing the artifact to your repository. #WithSpinnaker, you can go as fast as you want, whenever you’re ready.”

Calling all infrastructure nerds, SREs, platforms engineers, and the like: if you’ve never seen Kelsey Hightower speak in person, add it to your bucket list. Last week, he gave a talk at Portland’s first Spinnaker meetup, hosted at New Relic by the amazing PDX DevOps GroundUp. I cackled and cried at the world’s most poignant ‘Ops standup’ routine. Of course, he thrilled the Armory tribe with his praise of Spinnaker’s “decoupling of high level primitives,” and I can share some key benefits that Kelsey highlighted:

  • Even with many different build systems, you can consolidate deployments #withSpinnaker. Each can notify Spinnaker to pick up new artifacts as they are ready.
  • Spinnaker’s application-centric approach helps achieve continuous delivery buy-in. It gives application owners the control they crave, within automated guardrails that serialize your software delivery culture. 
  • Building manual judgements into heavy deployment automation is a “holy grail” for some. #WithSpinnaker, we can end the fallacy of “just check in code and everything goes to prod.” We can codify the steps in between as part of the pipeline. 
  • Spinnaker uses the perfect integration point. It removes the brittleness of scripting out the transition between a ‘ready-to-rock’ artifact and an application running in production. 

Kelsey’s words have profound impact. He did give some practical advice, like “Don’t run Spinnaker on the same cluster you’re deploying to,” and of course, keep separate build and deploy target environments. But the way Kelsey talked about culture struck a chord. We called the meetup, “Serializing culture into continuous delivery,” and in his story, Kelsey explained that culture is what you do: the actions you take as you work; your steps in approaching problems. 

Is Spinnaker The Hard Way coming?

Yes, please!

I’m reminded of working on a team struggling with an “agile transformation” through a series of long, circular discussions. I urged my team, “Scrum is just something that you do!” You go to standups, and do demos. You get better at pointing work over time. The ceremonies matter because you adapt by doing the work

Kelsey says his doing approach starts with raising his hand and saying, “I would like to own that particular problem,” and then figuring it out as he goes. Really owning a problem requires jumping in to achieve a deep understanding of it. It’s living it, and sharing with others who have lived it. We can BE our culture by learning processes hands-on, digging into the business reasons behind constraints, and using that knowledge to take ownership. Hiding behind culture talk doesn’t cut it, since you have to do it before you can change it. 

Tweets: Spinnaker is complex, but the return on investment is totally worth it

“The return on investment is totally worth it”

Another important way of doing: recognizing when you don’t know how to do it and need some help. Powerful open source projects like Kubernetes and Spinnaker can become incredibly complicated to implement in a way that faithfully serializes your culture. Responsible ownership means getting the help you need to execute.

I love how Kelsey juxtaposed the theatrics and hero mythology behind change management and outage “war rooms” with the stark truth of the business needs behind our vital services. As Kelsey shared his Ops origins story, I recalled my own – the rocket launch music that played in my head the first time I successfully restarted the java process for an LMS I held the pager for, contrasted with the sick feeling I got when reading the complaining tweets from university students who relied on the system and had their costly education disrupted by the outage. I knew the vast majority of our students worked full time and paid their own way, and that many had families to juggle as I do. This was the real story of our work. It drove home the importance of continuous improvement, and meant that our slow-moving software delivery culture frustrated the heck out of me. 

Kelsey's Deployment Guide Doc

Kelsey’s LOL simulation of the Word doc deployment guide at his first “real” job. Got a deployment horror story about a Word-copied command with an auto-replaced en-dash on a flag not triggered until after database modification scripts had already run? I do!

So what do you do if you’re Kelsey? You become an expert at serializing a company’s decisions around software delivery and telling them, as a quietly functioning story, with the best-in-class open source and Google tooling of the moment. He tells the story of his first automation journey: “So I started to serialize culture,” he says, when most of the IT department left him to fend for himself over the winter holidays. Without trying to refactor applications, he set to work codifying the software delivery practices he had come to understand through Ops. He automated processes, using tools his team felt comfortable with. 

He said, “We never walked around talking about all of our automation tools,” and that’s not a secrecy move, it’s his awareness of cognitive dissonance and cognitive overload. Because he had created a system based on application owners expectations, their comfort zone, he didn’t need to talk about it! It just worked (better and more efficiently over time, of course), and fulfilled the business case. Like Agile, this approach limits the scope of what one has to wrap their brain around to be excellent. Like Spinnaker, it empowers developers to focus on what they do best.

Instead of talking about the transformation you need, start by starting. Then change will begin.

Join Spinnaker Slack to learn more about Spinnaker and connect with folks who use and operate it. Read more about starting where you are, with what you have, or reach out to to set up a value stream mapping discovery day with experts from Armory and Continuity. 

Tweets: Spinnaker and Jenkins

Spinnaker and Jenkins can cooperate to deliver software if that’s what makes sense in your culture.

Tweet: I learned so much from Kelsey's talk on Spinnaker

Kelsey is a #legend for his techniques for getting people comfortable with new tools and automation!

From Puppet – How to Cut Unused EC2 Instances with AWS Lambda

By Blog, Member

Uh… Why is this month’s AWS bill so high?

Originally posted on the relay-sh blog, by Kenaz Kwa, Principal Product Manager @puppetize

Forgotten AWS EC2 instances have made everyone’s pockets hurt (including Puppet!). Take it from us ( team) — if you don’t proactively clean up unused EC2 instances, cloud spending can quickly get out of control. However, it can be tedious to routinely check which EC2 instances are still in use, track down the old ones, and remove them. Luckily — we know how to automate these tasks!

Our mission is to free you to do what robots can’t.

This post walks you through de-provisioning unused EC2 instances by using AWS Lambda and CloudFormation to deploy an EC2 reaper that uses simple Tags to cut down on spending.

To see the full code, check out this repo.

AWS EC2 Reaper overview

The AWS Reaper works by checking and enforcing tags that are set on the EC2 instances. All EC2 instances must be tagged with a lifetime or a termination_date. The termination_date defines a future date after which the EC2 instance will be terminated. Alternatively, the Reaper looks for a lifetime tag– if found, it calculates a new future date and adds that date as the termination_date tag for the EC2 instance.

First, let’s look at the The main reaper logic for handling instances is in the terminate_expired_instances function which lists instances and looks up the termination date tag for each instance:

Improperly Tagged Instances

If we find an instance that doesn’t have a termination_dateor we find the tag can’t be parsed, we stop it:

This enables us to stop the b̶l̶e̶e̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ billing while we contact the instance owner to see if it should still be kept around.

Expired Instances

For all instances we find that are expired, we destroy:

Deploying the EC2 reaper

Now, we could just run this python script against different AWS regions and we’d already be better off than doing this manually. However, we would rather not spend time babysitting scripts at all. We’re going to deploy this into AWS using CloudFormation Stacks.

Deploying the AWS reaper has two parts:

  • deploy_to_s3.yaml AWS CloudFormation template that places the lambda zip resources in S3 buckets in every region so that the deploy_reaper template can read them for Reaper deployment.
  • deploy_reaper.yaml AWS CloudFormation template that installs the reaper creates the IAM role and deploys the lambda function to perform the instance reaping.

deploy_to_s3 template

In order to use this template, you must first manually create an S3 bucket that contains the resources to copy across all regions. You will need to do this once per region; S3 resources can be read between accounts but not between regions for AWS Lambda. This only needs to be done one time for the administrative account.

  • Manually create an S3 bucket accessible from the administrative account. Zip up the two python reaper files, and and place them in the bucket, naming them and
  • From the administrative account, create a new stack set and use the deploy_to_s3 template. An example CLI invocation would look like:
$ aws cloudformation create-stack-set --stack-set-name reaper-assets --template-body 
file://path/to/deploy_to_s3.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --parameters
  • Deploy stack-set-instances for this stack set, one per region in the administrative account. Check the Amazon documentation for the most up-to-date region list. For example:
$ aws cloudformation create-stack-instances --stack-set-name --accounts 123456789012
--regions "us-west-1" "us-west-2" "eu-west-1" ...

deploy_reaper template

After the resources for the reaper have been distributed, you can use the deploy_reaper CloudFormation template to deploy the reaper into an account.

You will need to follow the steps below for each account you are deploying the reaper into.

  • First, create a stack set representing the account you wish to run the reaper in. Example invocation:
$ aws cloudformation create-stack-set --stack-set-name reaper-aws-account --template-body
file://path/to/deploy_reaper.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --parameters
ParameterKey=SLACKWEBHOOK,ParameterValue=1234567 ...
  • Deploy the reaper into the account.
$ aws cloudformation create-stack-instances --stack-set-name reaper-aws-account --accounts
098765432109 --regions "us-west-1" "us-west-2" "eu-west-1" ...

Turning on the EC2 Reaper

Once deployed, the EC2 Reaper will not reap anything unless the environment variable LIVEMODE is set to TRUE. It will only report what it would have done to Slack.

When the time comes to activate the Reaper, update the parameter value LIVEMODE to “TRUE”(the regex is case-insensitive).

$ aws cloudformation update-stack-set --stack-set-name reaper-aws-account
--use-previous-template --parameters ParameterKey=LIVEMODE,ParameterValue=TRUE --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM


Now you have learned how to control costs on AWS by reaping old EC2 instances. To learn more about our mission and product, sign up for our updates on Our mission is to free you of tedious cloud-native workflows with event-driven automation! For more content like this, please follow our medium page at