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Welcome to New CD Foundation Member: Trace Machina

By September 3, 2024September 6th, 2024Blog, Member
Trace Machina CD Foundation Member

Trace Machina is building simulation infrastructure for next-generation technologies such as AI, robotics, and autonomous mobility. Their first product, NativeLink, helps autonomous hardware systems easily navigate complex environments. It is an open source, high-performance build cache and remote execution service that allows these systems to handle complex tasks at greater speed and efficiency.

CI/CD engineers face numerous challenges, including integration issues, maintaining consistent environments, and scalability concerns. These challenges can be liabilities for autonomous hardware systems that function in human environments. One of the ways NativeLink combats these challenges is by using containerization and the Nix Package Manager to achieve hermetically sealed and reproducible environments without leakage. This minimizes variability by ensuring consistent and isolated build environments. Furthermore, NativeLink’s Rust-based architecture eliminates race conditions and stability issues at scale. Rust guarantees memory safety and concurrency, ensuring pipeline stability. Overall, NativeLink is designed to ensure deployment pipelines mirror production environments with hermetically sealed, consistent builds and minimal variability.

Trace Machina is excited to join the CD Foundation to continue the community collaboration among leading CI/CD tools and advancing CI/CD practices.

“The CD foundation is the first step in our budding relationship with the Linux Foundation. As an open source infrastructure company, we are committed long term to the vitality of the open source foundations that steward so many of the technologies on which we depend.” – Marcus Eagan, Founder and CEO of Trace Machina

With the future inching towards robotics and artificial intelligence, they are committed to setting new industry standards with NativeLink and encourage thoughtful discussion and practices. They can’t wait to work with the CI/CD community in this journey.

“We are thrilled to welcome Trace Machina to the Continuous Delivery Foundation. Their forward-thinking solutions and commitment to open source development are a perfect fit for our mission to transform software delivery practices. We are excited to explore the future possibilities of this partnership.” – Dadisi Sanyika, CD Foundation Governing Board Chair

Why become a CD Foundation member?

Organizations become members of the CD Foundation because they want to take an active role in supporting the growth and evolution of Continuous Delivery models and best practices. For more information on how you can join today, see: