We’re happy to announce that the GitOps Associate Certification (CGOA)—a collaboration between the Linux Foundation Training and Certification, the CD Foundation and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)—is now available!
The CGOA exam allows candidates to demonstrate their understanding of GitOps principles, terminology, and best practices in setting up a GitOps managed software system in addition to related practices such as Configuration of Code, Infrastructure as Code, DevOps & DevSecOps, and CI & CD and how to map them to GitOps.
“GitOps is a key strategy to achieve Continuous Delivery, which is why we’ve co-hosted several GitOps events with the CNCF in the past,” says Andrea Frittoli, TOC Chair, CD Foundation. “It’s been great to team up once again to bring this new certification to our communities.”
The CGOA’s 90-minute, online, multiple-choice exam domains are:
- GitOps Terminology – 20%
- GitOps Principles – 30%
- Related Practices – 16%
- GitOps Patterns – 20%
- Tooling – 4%
More Training and Certification
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