We’re hosting a Continuous Delivery Summit in co-location with KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America on October 25, 2022.
The one-day event will enable community members and open source Continuous Delivery projects to meet with their fellow contributors from cloud native communities and projects to identify additional collaboration opportunities, share ideas and shape the future of CD together.
Propose a Talk by September 7
Submit a talk about an open source Continuous Delivery project you’ve been working on, the challenges you face, use cases you have, best practices you apply, or other cool things you want to share with the broader community.
*CFP is now closed!
Thank you to everyone who submitted a talk, the schedule will be announced soon.
Dates to Remember
- CFP Closes: Wednesday, September 7, at 11:59 PM PST
- CFP Notifications: Week of September 12, 2022
- Schedule Announcement: Week of September 19, 2022
- Event Date/Time: October 25, 2022