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Tekton Beta Available Now! Looking for Tekton Task Catalog contributors, beta testers, and more!

By April 9, 2020Announcement, Blog

Tekton Pipelines, the core component of the Tekton project, is moving to beta status with the release of v0.11.0 this week. Tekton is an open source project creating a cloud-native framework you can use to configure and run continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines within a Kubernetes cluster.

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Tekton development began as Knative Build before becoming a founding project of the CD Foundation under the Linux Foundation last year.

The Tekton project follows the Kubernetes deprecation policies. With Tekton Pipelines upgrading to beta, most Tekton Pipelines CRDs (Custom Resource Definition) are now at beta level. This means overall beta level stability can be relied on. Please note, Tekton Triggers, Tekton Dashboard, Tekton Pipelines CLI and other components are still alpha and may continue to evolve from release to release. 

Tekton encourages all Tekton projects and users to migrate their integrations to the new apiVersion. Users of Tekton can see the migration guide on how to migrate from v1alpha1 to v1beta1.

Full list of Features, Deprecation Notices, Docs, Thanks and lots more

Who’s using Tekton?

Tekton is in its second year of development and is currently being used by both free and commercial offerings by multiple companies.

Join Now!

Now is a great time to contribute. There are many areas where you can jump in. For example, the Tekton Task Catalog allows you to share and reuse the components that make up your Pipeline. You can set a Cluster scope, and make tasks available to all users in a namespace, or you can set a Namespace scope, and make it usable only within a specific namespace. 

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