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CD Foundation

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SD Times: Report: As DevOps adoption nears 100%, these factors determine maturity

By In The News

Most developers at this point in time have adopted DevOps in some form or another, whether they are a full-blown DevOps engineer or a developer utilizing parts of the DevOps practice.

According to a new report from the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF), 83% of developers were “involved in DevOps-related activities” in the first quarter of 2024. The report was based on data over the past three and a half years from SlashData. Because of the wide time period being examined, the organization was able to compare this to a 77% involvement in DevOps in early 2022, a 6% increase.

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InfoWorld: Most developers have adopted devops, survey says

By In The News

As of the first quarter of 2024, 83% of developers were involved in devops-related activities such as performance monitoring, security testing, or CI/CD, according to the State of CI/CD Report 2024, published by the Continuous Delivery (CD) Foundation, a part of the Linux Foundation.

Released April 16, the State of CI/CD Report 2024 is downloadable from the CD Foundation, authored by developer researcher SlashData, and sponsored by CloudBees, provider of a DevSecOps platform.

Read more ➤ CDF Survey Surfaces DevOps Progress and Challenges

By In The News

A global survey of more than 10,000 developers conducted by the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) finds 83% of developers are involved in DevOps-related activities, with a third (33%) actively using continuous integrations tools, monitoring tools to track infrastructure performance and testing applications for security vulnerabilities.

Revealed today at the cdcon event, another 29% of respondents said they were actively involved in continuous delivery/deployment. The most widely used DevOps tools and platforms are source control management (29%) and issue tracking (28%), but only (21%) said they build continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines.

According to Mark Waite, community manager for CloudBees, the survey results said that while DevOps practices are widespread there is a clear need for organizations to achieve higher levels of maturity given the uneven adoption of best practices. For example, only a quarter (25%) of respondents said they programmatically manage infrastructure.

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