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Andrea Frittoli: Re-elected as CD Foundation’s TOC Chair

By March 11, 2025Blog, Staff

Contributed by Roxanne Joncas, CD Foundation Editor

Most of you know Andrea Frittoli, either from the Tekton or CDEvents communities, from meeting him at one of our many events, or simply because he answered your question on Slack. There’s no doubt that Andrea’s been an integral part of the Continuous Delivery Foundation since the beginning. He’s been on the Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) since mid-2021 and became its chair in 2023.

Everyone was happy that Andrea was interested in continuing his role as the TOC Chair and (to no one’s surprise, but everyone’s delight) he was re-elected by the community and started his second term as TOC Chair.

Andrea, we greatly appreciate everything you do for the Continuous Delivery community. I believe I speak for everyone when I say that it’s always a pleasure to work with you. We look forward to your next term as TOC Chair.

Andrea said

I’m honored and humbled to continue serving as chair of the Technical Oversight Committee at the Continuous Delivery Foundation.

The Continuous Delivery Foundation aims to enhance the world’s ability to deliver software securely and swiftly, and these are both exciting and challenging times to achieve this mission, with new kinds of AI-infused applications being delivered to production and growing security threats challenging software factories and open source projects. It’s great to see new community efforts like the DataOps Initiative and the CI/CD Cybersecurity Special Interest Group; as chair of the TOC, I will help such initiatives (and new ones) thrive by fostering transparency and collaboration between them, the end-user community and other groups such as the CNCF, the OpenSSF, and more.

The TOC meetings are public and open to everyone—I invite anyone who would like to collaborate with the TOC to join our meetings!

TOC Meetings

The Technical Oversight Committee meets every other Wednesday. The next meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, March 12. Request an invitation here or watch the recordings on YouTube Playlist.


Here are the links to the initiatives mentioned above: