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Continuous Delivery @FOSDEM23

By January 10, 2023Blog, Community

Contributed by Jan Willies, Fabrizio Manfredi, Carlos Panato, and Olivier Vernin 

Over the weekend of February 4 – 5, 2023, FOSDEM will, once again, physically gather thousands of developers of free and open source software from all over the world to Brussels, the capital of Belgium.

The FOSDEM is a unique event as one of the largest free conferences about open-source in the world.

Once again, there will be a dedicated room about “Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment” aka “CICD” or was we simply call Continuous Delivery.

fosdem 2023

This year, the devroom covers a wide set of automation practices: from the now common “continuous integration” showcasing tools such as Dagger or Jenkins, to more infrastructure-oriented ones such as Crossplane, passing by continuous updates or documentation automation.All of those practices ultimately raise the quality of our deliveries.

The schedule is now available here.

Your dedicated devroom organisers,

Jan Willies, Fabrizio Manfredi, Carlos Panato, Fatih Degirmenci, and Olivier Vernin 


P.S.: Don’t worry if you can’t attend, all sessions are recorded and then published on