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DevClass: Tekton tops up Pipelines to beta level

By April 9, 2020June 18th, 2020In The News

Tekton Pipelines has shifted into beta, meaning the open source CD project is now looking for more contributors and testers.

Tekton Pipeline is the core component of the Tekton project, which is overseen by the Continuous Delivery Foundation, and is pitched to “configure and run continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines within a Kubernetes cluster.” It originated in Knative Build.

The project team said the beta means “most Tekton Pipelines CRDs (Custom Resource Definition) are now at beta level. This means overall beta level stability can be relied on.” However, other components, including Tekton Triggers, Dashboard, Pipelines CLI and more, “are still alpha and may continue to evolve from release to release”.