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GSoC 2022: Jenkins & Jenkins X

By August 3, 2022July 24th, 2023Blog, Staff
Jenkins + Jenkins X GSoC

Two of our CD Foundation projects, Jenkins and Jenkins X, are participating in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2022.

Congratulations to the students joining and completing the GSoC Community Bonding phase — we are so excited for your GSoC projects and your contributions to CDF projects!


Jenkins has proudly participated in GSoC as a mentoring organization since 2016, and this year marks the 6th year of Jenkins’ participation, introducing four new contributors to open-source software development through the program. We firmly believe that such opportunities not only afford new contributors the chance to get to know how open-source works, and to learn about new software development skills and knowledge along the way, it also helps Jenkins grow by the addition of new and important features to our ecosystem through the successful completion of various GSoC projects by our contributors. Learn more here:


The selected projects are:


Watch the Jenkins online meetup showing the progress of each of the projects.

Here are the video shortcuts to each project:


Read a few blog posts from the Jenkins folks:

Shoutout to the Jenkins Org admins, managing the GSoC program for the Jenkins Organization for making this possible:

  • Alyssa Tong
  • Jean-Marc Meessen
  • Kris Stern

Jenkins X

Jenkins X participated in GSoC before as a sub-project under Jenkins. This year marks the first year as an independent mentoring organization for Jenkins X. We were fortunate to receive many applicants and selected two (2) proposals for this year’s project.

GSoC is a great opportunity for us to bring in more contributors to the Jenkins X community and raise awareness about the project. We expect the GSoC interns to become regular contributors and help maintain the project in the future. 


The selected projects are:


Read this post from Rajat Gupta about the community bonding period and follow the Jenkins X blog to stay up to date:

Shoutout to the Jenkins X mentors and admins for making this possible:

  • Ankit D Mohapatra
  • Christoffer Vig
  • Mårten Svantesson
  • Tom Hobson