Contributed by Giovanni Galloro, Google
When DevOps or developer teams evaluate the move from a persistent CI server (or a CI server using persistent workers) to a system using non-persistent workers backed by Kubernetes pods, such as Tekton Pipelines, they might also wonder how to speed up container image building using cached layers. While using cached layers is relatively easy when builds always run on the same server where layers can be stored locally, it is more challenging in an environment where the builds are run in non-persistent containers on Kubernetes. This article will show how to use Kaniko caching capabilities to speed up builds in your Tekton Pipeline.

Tekton Pipelines
Tekton is a powerful and flexible, open source, cloud-native framework for creating CI/CD systems, allowing developers to build, test, and deploy across cloud providers and on-premise systems.
Tekton consists of multiple projects. Among them is Tekton Pipelines, which provides the basic building blocks, in the form of Kubernetes CRDs, for creating CI/CD pipelines, whose tasks run as pods managed and orchestrated by Kubernetes.
The main building blocks are:
- Step: smaller execution unit of a pipeline, is a Kubernetes container specification and includes the container image and all the info you need to run it, as the command or environment variables. It defines a step of your pipeline as “mvn package” or “docker build”. It is defined inside the Task Kubernetes custom resource.
- Task: Kubernetes custom resource, defines a sequence of Steps running in sequential order on a single pod in the same Kubernetes node.
- Pipeline: A group of tasks that you can configure to run in parallel or in sequence, it represents your CI/CD pipeline.
- TaskRun: Specific instance of a Task, linking it to parameters related to a specific environment or application. (For example: git repository, target container image to build, or target environment to deploy to.)
- PipelineRun: Specific instance of a Pipeline associating it to parameters.
You will find more information and tutorials in the Tekton Documentation
Speeding up container image builds on Tekton
Running build steps as containers in Kubernetes has multiple advantages like portability, reusability, and the possibility to leverage all the capabilities of the underlying Kubernetes platform, but since these containers aren’t persistent by nature, optimizing the build execution through caching would need some additional actions compared to what you were used to do in a standalone CI server.
In the following sections, you will see some examples of how to use caching to speed up image builds in Tekton pipelines using Kaniko. Kaniko is an open source tool that can be used to build container images from a Dockerfile. It doesn’t require a Docker daemon to run, which makes it ideal for building images in environments where Docker daemons aren’t available or can’t be run, such as Kubernetes clusters.
To run through the examples you will need a Kubernetes cluster with Tekton Pipelines installed, a git-based Source Code Management (SCM), and a container registry with permissions to push artifacts. I used a GKE cluster on Google Cloud, a GitHub repository, and Artifact Registry, but steps are reproducible on any standard Kubernetes platform, git-based SCM, and container registry with null or minimal modifications.
Example code and assets are available in this repo:
To follow along you need to fork this repo in your personal GitHub account or migrate/copy it to your git-based SCM if different.
Experiment the default behavior
After you have your copy of the example repository clone it locally and look at its content:
- The sample-app folder contains source code, Maven project files, and a Dockerfile for an example Spring Boot Java app. Look at the Dockerfile: it’s multi-staged using the maven base image for packaging your code and the eclipse-temurin:19-jdk-alpine one to run your application:
FROM maven as build
COPY mvnw .
COPY pom.xml .
COPY src src
RUN mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
FROM eclipse-temurin:19-jdk-alpine
COPY --from=build /target/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar app.jar
CMD ["java", "-jar", "app.jar"]
- The tekton-assets folders contain resource manifests for the Tekton assets used in this article:
- pipeline.yaml defines a pipeline running 2 Tasks:
- git-clone.yaml clones the example repo to the source Tekton workspace
- image-build.yaml runs Kaniko to build a container image from the source code cloned in the workspace and push it to the target container registry
- source-pvc.yaml is the manifest for the source-pvc persistent volume claim that will be used as persistent storage for the source Tekton workspace. The storage class is intentionally not defined to make it portable so it will use whatever is the default on your cluster, you can modify the manifest to use your preferred storage class.
- pipeline.yaml defines a pipeline running 2 Tasks:
- The kaniko-basecache, kaniko-cache, and m2cache folders contain example resources useful to implement the various caching options.
Let’s create the needed Tekton resources and run our pipeline. From your locally cloned repository, apply the resources in the tekton-assets folder to your cluster:
kubectl apply -f tekton-assets
This will create the pvc, tasks, and pipeline described above.
Now let’s start our pipeline manually. Depending on your configuration you may need to specify, using the -s parameter, a Service Account to authenticate to the registry to push the image, check this section of the Tekton docs for more info.
Type the following command to start the pipeline
tkn pipeline start pipeline-clone-and-build --workspace name=source,claimName=source-pvc --showlog
In the ? Value for param `git-url` of type `string`? question type your git repository url.
In the ? Value for param `image-name` of type `string`? question type your container image url including the repo and image name.
Here’s an example configuration:
➜ ~ tkn pipeline start pipeline-clone-and-build --workspace name=source,claimName=source-pvc --showlog
? Value for param `git-url` of type `string`?
? Value for param `image-name` of type `string`?
The pipeline will start and you will see the output of the steps executed.
If your pipeline run is successful the last step of the image-build task will print your image url in the console and you will have your image pushed to your target registry:
[image-build : write-url]
The pipeline execution created 2 TaskRun resources to execute the 2 tasks, type the following command to see the TaskRun information:
tkn tr ls
You will get an output similar to the one below:
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-68hjg-image-build 4 minutes ago 50s Succeeded
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-68hjg-git-clone 4 minutes ago 11s Succeeded
Since your build will always run in a new container, if you change just a line in your source code your build will always need to download the base images and the Maven dependencies and can’t leverage any cache, let’s try that.
Change the text in line 25 of the index.html file in sample-app/src/main/resources/templates to “Hello, Slow Builder!”
Commit your change and push it to your remote repository:
git add .
git commit -m "change to index.html"
git push
Start your pipeline again following the same instructions given above.
After the Pipeline run completes look at your TasRuns info again:
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-fnzxj-image-build 55 seconds ago 49s Succeeded
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-fnzxj-git-clone 1 minute ago 12s Succeeded
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-68hjg-image-build 4 minutes ago 50s Succeeded
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-68hjg-git-clone 4 minutes ago 11s Succeeded
As you can see, even if you change just one line of code, the build needs approximately the same time to execute. In the next sections, we will explore the options to optimize build speed through caching.
Caching layers in a container registry
Kaniko can cache layers created by RUN and COPY commands in a remote repository. Before running a command, Kaniko checks the cache for the layer. If the layer exists in the cache, Kaniko will pull and extract it instead of running the command. If the layer doesn’t exist in the cache, Kaniko will run the command and then push the newly created layer to the cache.
This can help speed up builds in Tekton.
To use Kaniko cache you must add the –cache=true flag to Kaniko in our image-build Task so the build-and-push step reads as follows:
- name: build-and-push
workingDir: $(workspaces.source.path)/sample-app/
- --dockerfile=$(params.DOCKERFILE)
- --context=$(params.CONTEXT) # The user does not need to care the workspace and the source.
- --destination=$(params.IMAGE):$(params.commit)
- --digest-file=$(results.IMAGE_DIGEST.path)
- --cache=true
runAsUser: 0
To do that you can apply the modified image-build-cache.yaml in the kaniko-cache folder to update the image-build Task:
kubectl apply -f kaniko-cache/image-build-cache.yaml
To leverage Kaniko layer caching capabilities you should also properly configure your Dockerfile to move the directives that are unlikely to change between builds to the top and the ones that are likely to change to the bottom.
Let’s edit the Dockerfile in the sample-app directory to separate the Maven dependency download from the code build so the dependencies are cached in a separate layer from the software artifact and any change to the code won’t cause the dependencies to be downloaded again. Add the RUN mvn dependency:go-offline line to your Dockerfile so it reads as follows:
FROM maven as build
COPY mvnw .
COPY pom.xml .
RUN mvn dependency:go-offline
COPY src src
RUN mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
FROM eclipse-temurin:19-jdk-alpine
COPY --from=build /target/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar app.jar
CMD ["java", "-jar", "app.jar"]
Once you changed your Dockerfile you need to commit and push your changes so your build will use it:
git add .
git commit -m "update to Dockerfile"
git push
Now run your pipeline again as you did before, the first execution output should be similar to the previous run, and all the dependencies will be downloaded.
Let’s look at the TaskRun info. The build duration should be similar to the previous as well (although it might be a bit longer due to the upload of layers to the registry):
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-gsgwx-image-build 1 minute ago 58s Succeeded
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-gsgwx-git-clone 1 minute ago 17s Succeeded
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-fnzxj-image-build 55 seconds ago 49s Succeeded
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-fnzxj-git-clone 1 minute ago 12s Succeeded
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-68hjg-image-build 4 minutes ago 50s Succeeded
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-68hjg-git-clone 4 minutes ago 11s Succeeded
The image layers have been uploaded to your registry, as you can see in the picture below for Artifact Registry (javasample/cache folder):
Now let’s update the code (use “Hello, Fast Builder!” this time), commit your changes, and run the pipeline again following the instructions from the previous section. From the output log, you should note that the bulk of dependencies will not be downloaded again and the cached layer should be used:
The image-build TaskRun execution should be faster compared to the previous execution (42 vs 58 sec in this example):
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-5s87p-image-build 1 minute ago 42s Succeeded
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-5s87p-git-clone 1 minute ago 17s Succeeded
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-gsgwx-image-build 7 minutes ago 58s Succeeded
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-gsgwx-git-clone 7 minutes ago 17s Succeeded
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-fnzxj-image-build 18 minutes ago 49s Succeeded
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-fnzxj-git-clone 18 minutes ago 12s Succeeded
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-68hjg-image-build 21 minutes ago 50s Succeeded
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-68hjg-git-clone 22 minutes ago 11s Succeeded
You have expereinced how enabling caching layers to a container registry can improve your build speed on Tekton, the effective speed gain would depend on various factors such as project configuration and connection to your registry.
Caching base images on a persistent disk
In addition to cache layers on your container registry, Kaniko can use a persistent volume to store cached base images. By default, Kaniko will look for cached base images in the /cache folder but you can customize that with the –cache-dir flag.
The persistent volume must be populated before usage, Kaniko provides an image for doing that:
Let’s add a volume mount mapping the /cache path to a PVC named basechache-pvc to our build-image Task:
- name: build-and-push
workingDir: $(workspaces.source.path)/sample-app/
- --dockerfile=$(params.DOCKERFILE)
- --context=$(params.CONTEXT) # The user does not need to care the workspace and the source.
- --destination=$(params.IMAGE):$(params.commit)
- --digest-file=$(results.IMAGE_DIGEST.path)
- --cache=true
# kaniko assumes it is running as root, which means this example fails on platforms
# that default to run containers as random uid (like OpenShift). Adding this securityContext
# makes it explicit that it needs to run as root.
runAsUser: 0
- name: basecache
mountPath: /cache
- name: write-url
script: |
set -e
echo -n "${image}" | tee "$(results.IMAGE_URL.path)"
- name: basecache
claimName: basecache-pvc
To do that you can apply the modified image-build-basecache.yaml in the kaniko-basecache folder to update the image-build Task:
kubectl apply -f kaniko-basecache/image-build-basecache.yaml
Now let’s create the basecache-pvc PVC:
kubectl apply -f kaniko-basecache/pvc-basecache.yaml
Then, run the kaniko-warmer pod to populate the disk:
kubectl apply -f kaniko-basecache/kaniko-warmer.yaml
Check the kaniko-warmer pod logs:
kubectl logs -f kaniko-warmer
Until you get the output confirming that the 2 base images have been downloaded
INFO[0000] Retrieving image manifest maven
INFO[0000] Retrieving image maven from registry
INFO[0004] Retrieving image manifest eclipse-temurin:19-jdk-alpine
INFO[0004] Retrieving image eclipse-temurin:19-jdk-alpine from registry
When done you can make a change to your code again (“Hello, Base Builder!”) commit it and start your pipeline again as done in the previous tests.
This execution will leverage cached layers as the previous one and, in addition to that, will use the base images from your basecache-pvc persistent volume, as you can see in the output:
Even in this case, the speed improvement will depend on various factors such as how big your base images are, storage performance, and your registry connection.
Caching dependencies on a persistent disk
Another option to speed up builds is to cache dependencies locally. In our example Maven project we can leverage the fact that by default, maven caches the dependency modules into $HOME/.m2 directory. This possibility depends on the language and build tools you are using.
In this example, we will add another persistent volume to the build-image task and map it to the /root/.m2 folder to persist the Maven cache between builds.
Let’s apply the modified image-build-m2cache.yaml in the m2cache folder to update the image-build Task:
kubectl apply -f m2cache/image-build-m2cache.yaml
Now let’s create the m2cache-pvc PVC:
kubectl apply -f m2cache/pvc-m2cache.yaml
Since we don’t need to cache Maven dependencies in an image layer anymore, let’s remove the RUN mvn dependency:go-offline line from our Dockerfile and revert to its original structure. Commit and push your changes after that.
Now run your pipeline again as you did before, Maven will download your dependencies again when the mvn package is run since your previously cached layer is not referenced anymore in your Dockerfile. Duration should be similar to our initial test.
Make a change to your code again (“Hello, Very Fast Builder”), commit it, and start your pipeline again as done in the previous tests.
This execution will leverage cached layers as the previous one and, in addition to that, will use the base images from your basecache-pvc persistent volume and cached dependencies.
Even in this case, if you look at your TaskRun list, you should see a speed improvement compared to the first run:
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-lk8x2-image-build 1 minute ago 46s Succeeded
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-lk8x2-git-clone 1 minute ago 14s Succeeded
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-w7sd5-image-build 3 minutes ago 59s Succeeded
pipeline-clone-and-build-run-w7sd5-git-clone 3 minutes ago 12s Succeeded
You saw multiple options to leverage different types of caching to speed up image builds in Tekton using Kaniko:
- How to cache layers in your container registry
- How to use cached base images in a persistent volume
- How to host your local dependencies cache on a persistent volume
Now, you are ready to speed up your build in Tekton!